@Panthers de la Floride

Aperçu du match 5 des Oilers d’Edmonton contre les Panthers de la Floride | SDP

Steve Dangle, Adam Wylde et Jesse Blake discutent du cinquième match de la finale de la Coupe Stanley et de ce qui, selon eux, se passera mardi soir. Pour les demandes de renseignements générales, envoyez un courriel : info@sdpn.ca Contactez https://www.sdpn.ca/sales pour entrer en contact avec notre équipe de vente et discuter de l’opportunité d’intégrer votre marque dans notre contenu !


  1. Interesting stat from the playoffs so far, in 3 of their 4 series they've played in the playoffs the Panthers have lost their 1st opportunity to eliminate their opposition. Lost Game 4 of the Tampa series 6-3 when leading the series 3-0, Lost game 5 of the Boston series 2-1 when leading the series 3-1, and now lost game 4 of the Edmonton series 8-1 when leading the series 3-0. In the Tampa and Boston series they finished them off the next game, so my money is on Florida making the adjustments they need to and winning it at home.

  2. That Marchand shove was not 100% accidental. If there is intent; IT SHOULD BE AN AUTOMATIC EJECTION!
    I do not referee hockey but another sport.
    That one made me very angry!

  3. I disagree with the narrative that you got crushed. I think that’s an oversimplification of the way the series went down. The Oilers were the better team in game one hands down, but Bobrovsky was sensational. That happens when you have one of the best goaltenders in the league. Game two was a master class by Florida no doubt but game three was not won by Florida, but lost by Edmonton. You can give credit to Florida for not making any large mistakes but the majority of the playwas dictated by the Oilers and Florida was able to capitalize on critical errors. Yes, minimizing errors is a part of the game, but Edmonton was not badly outplayed that game and once again Bobrovsky had to come up big in order to preserve the lead.

  4. Don't count my Panthers out to lay another Egg-like performance and if they do ; I will say "F" if. If Edmonton wants it more so be it. Said Panthers fan

  5. So to recap…this clip was posted as “game 5 preview”…all three talked for a minute about how they panthers are going to win, spent the remaining time bitching about refs and baseball umpires. Great preview guys.

  6. Panthers vs Oilers and yet 3:48 seconds into the 9 minute video we switch to Leafs, Bruins, and baseball umps. I get you guys are Leafs fans but wow the content on this channel has gotten so bad ever since the gambling sponsorship

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