@Devils du New Jersey

MSG décide de ne pas renouveler le contrat d’Erika

Perdu dans le mélange du dernier match d’aujourd’hui, j’ai l’impression que celui-ci a été enterré. Erika ne revient pas à l’émission parce que MSG a pris la décision est un véritable coup bas.



  1. NJDevs30

    First Deb now Erika. It will never be the same

  2. mustachiolong

    MSG has always shown that they will spend the bare minimum on the Devils Broadcast as it is a total afterthought. Renewing with them when half of NJ can’t “legally” watch due to the Xfinity feud will be mind boggling for years to come.

  3. eburton555

    What the fuck??? At what point do we fuckin riot here yall

  4. Mysterious_Ant3095

    What fucking difference does it make if we get a goalie now…

  5. b0bbyhimself

    She was fantastic and meshed so well with the guys. Msg really fucking dropped the ball by letting her go. So stupid.

  6. Moosifer_666

    Well this is dumb. Wonder what unqualified dipshit will be brought on now.

  7. Clearly someone’s daughter, niece, wife is getting the job.

  8. What the fuck. We were inevitably gonna lose Erika, but it should’ve been because she was moving on to something bigger, not a dumb contract move by the network. Super frustrating.

  9. SkellySkeletor

    Broadcast continues to get worse and worse. What is the logic here, let everyone go as soon as they want a pay bump at contract renewal?

  10. ElephantRedCar91

    Outside of being pretty, she was good at her job which is why this is a baffling move. Msg pinching pennies. The devils should just switch to their own online channel at this point.

  11. 22AcaciaAvenue

    This sucks. Loved her energy, and she meshed super well with the players, Sal, Dano and Bill… absolutely boneheaded move

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