@Panthers de la Floride

« Le 5 contre 5 était plutôt bon. » | Entretien d’après-match avec Paul Maurice SCF | 6.18.24

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  1. Проваливают 1 период, помогают нефти сами. Это уже такой цирк напоминающий продажную Лигу Чемпионов по футболу с реалом. Больше выручки $$$$$$$$$$ от продажи билетов. То играли-играли, а потом резко бросили финал и всё. Клоунада.😂

  2. Paul get your Panthers SHIT together next game HOW in the World can you lose 2 in a row to the SHIT team like the Coilers up 3 games to NON and now it's 3 games to 2 and the 6th game back in COILERVILLE ..This is so so disgusting it's unbelievable

  3. We were destroyed by the now better team. We've lost our way the last 2 games. The oilers gave figured out the forecheck as well. We have absolutely no ideas or different way to play. I fear we've lost our chance at the SC now. Sadly too many uneducated south floridians were celebrating without realizing you gotta win 4 games

  4. Lmao, IF they lose, all I care about is send his stubborn ass to a retirement home. Im sorry he is a great guy, so nice, but he is showing everyone why he has no cups. There is "being calm" and then there is being completely oblivious and out of touch. If you werent anything but mad at that first half you dont deserve to coach them. I mean dude is getting OUTCOACHED by Knoblauch. How insane is that lmao.

  5. Bobrovsky has always been a streaky goalie. He has gotten better at being more consistent throughout his career, but I remember him playing for the Flyers 14 year ago and he was super inconsistent. He would be literally amazing for 3-4 games and then play like crap for the next 3-4 games. Now he has progressed a lot since then, and that was a long time ago, but it will be really interesting to see how he plays in game 6. He just might be on one of his cold snaps after being impeccable in the first 3 games.

  6. Well, I've got Good News and bad news. The Good News is >> We Improved. The bad news is >> we lost the game. No retreat, no surrender Boys! It's not over until we win and win we will. Just because it hasn't happened yet doesn't mean it won't happen soon. GAME 6 FOR THE WIN BABY! STANLEY CATS FOR THE WIN 🇺🇲🏆❤🏆🤍🏆💙🏆🇺🇲! #OilRich #RichInOil

  7. Hey panther fans I just want to say how does it feel to have the refs on your side and still getting your asses handed to ya back to back games. See you guys in game 7

  8. WE RIDE OR RIDE! We ain't dying this round! Buckle up Boys, it's gonna be a winning ride in Game 6 🇺🇲🏆❤️🏆🤍🏆💙🏆🇺🇲!

  9. Damn . Wheres yall energy from last interview? Oilers fan in panther 🐆 territory. Were down 2 but we got bob’s number and let’s hope he dont change it. Hasnt for the last 2.

  10. Good thing you guys decided to play HALF of the game. I’m pretty damn nervous you guys are going to choke the HARDEST in NHL history. Everyone looks awful rn… sloppy passing, no urgency, really weak goaltending frankly…. And maybe the worst PP I’ve ever seen in the playoffs. I’m hoping for a game 6 win, because I can’t handle Edmonton fans any longer.

  11. How about addressing a coaching mistake. Games 1 and 2, Rodrigues on the 2nd line. Panthers outscore Edmonton 7-1. They switch. Panthers survive game 3. 4-3. McDavid gets going with two assists. Then 8-1 in game 4. No adjustment. Starting game 5 same lines. Going down 3-0. Then changing it. Panthers for 3-1 before the empty netter. Also can't stand Okposo is still in the line up. Totals with empty nets Rodrigues 2nd line. 10-3 Panthers with Rodrigues 2nd line 14-5 Edmonton. The change in play started as soon as the line change was made. McDavid 0 goals with lines 1 and 2 in the starting line up outside the empty net goal tonight. I am feeling better that the issue was fixed. Now fix the Okposo grandpa issue. He can raise the cup in a suit and tie. Lorentz has scored playoff goals. Lomberg has speed. Even Gags would faster. Tarsenako for the 3rd line was a great move. That little change screwed up so much momentum. Now the Panthers have 2 games to get 1 win.

  12. The team looks tired. I have never seen Forsling struggle to skate and get back. Boys needs some rest before next game. Nerves need to be ratcheted down….. to much pressure, just play a good game.

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