@Jets de Winnipeg

La séparation de Mark Scheifele et Nikolaj Ehlers une fois que Vilardi et Connor étaient tous deux de retour en bonne santé était-elle la pire décision prise par les Jets toute la saison ?

La séparation de Mark Scheifele et Nikolaj Ehlers une fois que Vilardi et Connor étaient tous deux de retour en bonne santé était-elle la pire décision prise par les Jets toute la saison ?



  1. Fallen-Omega

    Didnt they have better production when Ehlers was on their line

  2. ImTrumpWhenDrunk

    Yes, I’m pretty sure the exact game Connor returned you see the other linemates stats go down.

  3. this and playing Pionk 20+ minutes a night we’re probably the worst things the jets did usage wise for sure

  4. I wonder if anyone wrote about that mid season through… and pointed out that’s been the case for Connor-Scheifele vs Ehlers-Scheifele for all of the 8 past years.

  5. PleasantBreakfast978

    Yes. I’m not sure why they keep doing it. I remember when Patty first came into the league and we ran Ehlers – Scheifele – Laine and Patty was scoring hat tricks every other game. Then they kept demoting Ehlers to the second line in place of Connor and Wheels. I had some hope that when Nik was slotted in the first line he’d stay there for a bit but nope. They must see something us fans don’t. You can argue it’s the turnovers but what do you expect when a guy goes Mach 10 entering the zone? I think Nik is a lot more talented than we know he just doesn’t get the same opportunities as KC and gets under utilized.

  6. LightsOut16900


    As some of us have been saying for the last 5 years or so 😞

  7. Drawingsymbols

    Why does no one see how awful ehlers o zone poss is. Connor is clearly better and him scheif vilardi before gabe got hurt had insane chemistry and hemmed teams in nonstop. You guys aren’t in the room and have no clue what the players actually want/ how they actually work. Just shut up and cheer for the team instead of trying to micromanage nonstop

  8. Drawingsymbols

    Also SHOCKER the percentages favour the guy who rips in the zone and takes clap bombs.

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