@Ducks d'Anaheim


Les nouveaux maillots des Ducks ont peut-être été divulgués ! Jetons-y un coup d’œil Trouvé sur : https://x.com/carterrichardd/status/1803140639615492491 Rejoignez mon discord ! : https://discord.gg/TgeBpaEzXH Suivez-moi ailleurs TikTok : https://www.tiktok.com /@thejerseyzone Twitter : https://twitter.com/TheJerseyZone Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/thejerseyzoneyt/


  1. I absolutely LOVE IT. Massive upgrade is best to describe it. I have to see the unveiled uniform with higher quality photos and videos to fully judge. But just based on this leak alone, I'm already giving it a 9 out of 10. The logo was already great when it originally was used. Now it looks incredible with the tweaks.

    And I will be buying both jerseys next season. Not if, but when. I'm excited for Ducks fans. They deserved this HUGE change for the better.

  2. the Home Jersey eye is a different color then the roads eye i do like them even if i get Flyers vibes i see why both didnt come out in the same season

  3. I wish they had dome something new and innovative, rather than going backward. I'm actually a big fan of the original look and logo, and I'm happy to see the duck foot as no longer the primary look. And even think these new uniforms should probably already have been their primary uniforms for the past decade or more! But at this point their franchise, it would have been great to see an entirely new look. After all, they've been wearing retro uniforms for the past few years already anyway. Missed opportunity!

  4. Geez … I hope and pray 🙏 that-that isn't our new NUMBER "font style" there at 5:01 ! 😲 No bueno. 👎👎 Come to think of it, that number font there looks a bit like(or, not) the 'shoelace'(?) style number on the 1995-96 "Wild Wing" 3rd alternate jersey, ..the one that had the Wild Wing mascot coming up out of the ice..lol. 😅 I really like the number style that they presently have, ..with the 'outline margin' on them…very similar to what the Edmonton Oilers have. Just like I've always liked the 'unique' jersey number style font that the ANAHEIM Angels have always used. 😇 🦆

  5. I always thought the cartoon duck logo was great… for a minor league team. I prefer the web foot logo but I don't dislike these new uniforms. Yeah, too much orange on the home uni, would look better with black pants but then it would be too much like the Flyers. But with 33 teams, it's not easy for there to be 33 unique color schemes. Look at how close Tampa Bay came to looking like the Leafs after previously having a unique color combo…

  6. The away jersey gives my Flyers vibes. Replace the Ducks logo with the Flyers logo and it's not too different, except for the gold stripe.
    Also I think I'd prefer black pants over the orange pants.

  7. I like the dimples, made the jersey look really nice and special. Hope it stays. Love the rebranding and can’t wait. I would’ve have been thrilled if they kept the last RR as the primary jersey. Those were sweet!

  8. Hate hate hate the orange pants and helmets, I’m sick of this trend where they look color rush, San Jose did it last year, teal pants, teal helmets, teal gloves

  9. We just have to wait on the NHL draft that’s when they’re going to see what colors are they going to be? That’s AI right there for you

  10. They play like traffic cones, they might as well look like them too. 🤷‍♂️ Lol. I hate the home jersey, I think it should have been black, with orange at the bottom. That would have made the orange pants work better too. I really hope they don't actually use that orange shoulder yolk. It looks so weird and out of place compared to the striping at the bottom. They had the perfect home jersey with the RR2.0, and they should have just gone with that, and a black version of it for the home jersey. I figure this picture is AI generated though. They just plugged in everything that icethetics said, and this is the result.

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