@Capitals de Washington

ANALYSE INSTANTANÉE – Pierre-Luc Dubois échangé contre Darcy Kuemper

Steve Dangle, Adam Wylde et Jesse Blake discutent du blockbuster qui a vu Pierre-Luc Dubois échangé aux Capitals de Washington en échange du gardien Darcy Kuemper. Pour les demandes de renseignements générales, envoyez un courriel : info@sdpn.ca Contactez https://www.sdpn.ca/sales pour entrer en contact avec notre équipe de vente et discuter de l’opportunité d’intégrer votre marque dans notre contenu !


  1. Rob Blake started to go downhill as soon as Mark Bergevin got to LA Blake was doing a good job before that, and he has done an atrocious job ever since Bergevin came along i wonder how much Bergevin is in his ear

  2. Solid move by Caps. Kemps career since the birth of his child has gone down. I think his priority has shifted.

    PLD will be 1C with Caps, expecting 25+ goals, 45+ assists.

    Carbery experiment with Mantha, Strome, and McMichael have all paid dividends. PLD will be next.

  3. Blake is the real CANCER that's destroying the Kings organization with supposed President Luc doing noting but watching the shipwreck sink faster and faster!!! Blake and Luc aka Dumb & Dumber are the worst management in HNL and Kings history and need to be FIRED ASAP!!!!!!!

  4. Kings fan here. All last season I was torn to shreds with "a ha, you have this loser, clubhouse cancer, for the next 7 years with a horrific cap hit. Did Rob Blake make a huge gamble on Dubois and lose big? Yes. Instead of being stubborn and waiting for Dubois to play to his contract. That headache is gone and we can move on. I was not looking forward to another season of making lame excuses for PLD and being ridiculed. Kemper, lower cap hit, 3 instead pf 7 more years, hey, he won a cup, rebirth possible if not likely,

  5. Congratulations Chevy! Great haul for the Jets! Blake made the best deal he could before the no trade kicked in!😂

  6. Iafallo wasn’t good last year but was amazing with LA so I think he can rebound but Kupari is basically a bust and so it was basically Vilardi and a 2nd

  7. I don't even think you are betting on Kuemper being being good. I think you are bringing him in for a trail. If he's good and plays his way into staying it's a boon. If he's not good you buy him out at the end of the year and you are done with him and you move on. L.A. being able to get out from that albatross of a deal without retaining salary, without having to give up a first, without having to include a bunch of futures is absurd. Washington is taking a huge gamble that in my opinion makes literally no sense. Even if you believe you are heading into a rebuild (they should believe that) why take this on? If you window is to be bad and draft and start building. Your goal should be making noteable improvements in 5 years. This guy will still be under contract for another 3. Taking ice time from a younger talent that should be playing. I get weaponizing the cap. I get being willing to take on bad contracts when you aren't in a place to be good. 100%. But you get futures to do it. Not nothing.

  8. I KNEW when the kings acquired Dubois they would live to regret it. And they gave up a TON for him too! Hahahah way to go Rob!

  9. No sooner do the Caps get rid of one dud in Anthony Mantha than they get a monstrously worse one in PLD…

  10. The bergevin hate is so pathetic at this point. Sorry he beat the leafs Adam. This podcast has an obsession with certain people who have beaten the leafs in the past

  11. Pierre-Luc Duboismort…As a habs fan who didn't want him, I can only laugh at this and feel bad for LA fans (value wise). Bergy is a clown. That is all.

  12. Backstrom is definitely not coming back at all, and Oshie is very likely done, too. So the Caps have more space available, even with PLD, than people think.

  13. I just dont get this trade for the caps. I just dont. The only possibility is that if he turns on some jets and figures it out, which i doubt. Ill try to be optimistic. But like….8×8 is TOUGH. Even without the NMC

  14. Caps have a lot of cap space and they are trying to risk it and hopefully it works out., thats all. Worst case he is bad and Caps rebuilding any way for next 5-6 years… see it this way, caps pay for PLD extra 3m next 3 years and didn't loose any prospects or picks

  15. Yeah not fond of that PLD contract. I might not believe in PLD, but i trust Carbery wholeheartedly. Its a high risk high reward scenario for the caps. Getting rid of Kuemper would have cost a few draft picks and adding a young skilled player would have also cost them a lot. They were looking for a young top 6 forward and all i can hope is that this works out.

  16. Don’t hate this for either side, Dubois has red flags but is still young enough to turn this around – that’s worth giving up Kuemper especially when you’re not focused on winning games.

    For the Kings, you add a goalie capable of being the starter on a cup winner while getting rid of a potential boat anchor contract at a position where you have a surplus (Kopi, Byfield, Danault)

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