@Canadiens de Montréal

Je jure qu’il appartient à ma femme.

Je jure qu’il appartient à ma femme.



  1. AutoModerator

    Hi there! It looks like you’ve posted an image. If this image is from an article, please provide a source. If it’s a meme, please ignore this comment. Thanks!

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  2. StoneColdMethodMan

    It’s okay as long as it’s for the BBQ terrasse.

  3. Afraid-Trash8204

    I wonder what the value of a signed Carey Price one is to habs fans?

  4. No judgment, OP. we understand.

    You’re in a safe place.

  5. I can tell that by this post itself, we sure do miss Carey.

  6. rnbwsncron

    I know a bunch of women who don’t follow hockey but follow Angela Price. She’s a force herself.

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