
On dirait que les Kings retournent « officiellement » à l’ère Gretzky

On dirait que les Kings retournent « officiellement » à l’ère Gretzky



  1. WhyAmIOnSocialMedia

    That Icethetics dude said it would be a more modern take on that.

  2. VeryLastChance

    Trading for PLD is basically the same as trading for Gretzky, right?!

  3. Steaknkidney45

    That the Kings were wearing the Gretzky-era jerseys for several years, either as alternates or just because, signaled a change was coming. They may have won two Cups with the previous set, but those were boring as hell.

    It’s a compromise of the modern set and Gretzky era–permanently returning to purple (or rather, « Forum Blue ») and gold was never going to happen.

  4. I hope they actually spell out “Los Angeles” in the new logo and not just put LA

  5. PaddyMayonaise

    Ah, so the oilers finally make a finals and McDavid goes Gretzky on anyway they try their luck with this. Connor, start learning Californian, Buddy!

  6. Forgone-Conclusion

    I seem to be in the minority, but to me the Gretzky era jerseys are perfect and I wish they’d just replicate that exactly!

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