@Canucks de Vancouver

Fond de téléphone inspiré des Canucks

Fond de téléphone inspiré des Canucks



  1. SlipperyGrizzlyMan

    Oooh very nice. How does one find this?

  2. Holyshitmuffin

    That’s nice but not replacing my cat

  3. Agreeable-Bid-4535

    Ooooo….now in the green and blue pls!

  4. squirelrepublic

    is this some sort of secretly a German nationalist plot

  5. CamaroGirl96

    This is awesome. Do you have one in green/blue as well?

  6. VicTheSpicc

    Amazing work OP, snagging this for my phone. If you could make a Blue/Green version of this, that would just be mint. Lowkey want the idea of having the B/G one for lock screen and this one for the homescreen!

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