@Blues de Saint-Louis

Enterprise Center chante « Country Roads » de John Denver | Saint-Louis Blues contre Nashville Predators

Lors d’un match opposant les St: Louis Blues aux Nashville Predators le 10 février 2019, la foule n’a pas pu s’empêcher de chanter Country Roads de John Denver.


  1. I'm a blackhawks fan and I will 100% admit the blues have one of the greatest fan bases in sports. Gave me chills.

  2. This is seriously awesome, Bruins fans do this to "Living on a Prayer" … I fell like this is even more epic…

  3. Like "God Bless America" and Kate Smith ; the NHL should not allow this song to be played, it might be considered Racist

  4. I was at this game. Thought it would be funny to keep singing and so did a few thousand other people too I guess lol

  5. congrats on your first cup, love Oilers fan who will never even see the playoffs ever again

  6. My son’s team was singing it on the bench during their Highschool games just prior to this. 👍👍👍👍👍

  7. Oh, how little we knew at the time.

    This would soon become one of the best traditions in the league.

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