@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Paul Bissonnette a déclaré lors du dernier épisode de Spittin’ Chiclets que les Leafs travaillaient sur une prolongation de contrat avec Marner.

Ce n’est évidemment pas un initié, mais cela concorde avec des rapports similaires provenant d’autres personnes au cours des deux dernières semaines. Les Leafs semblent travailler plus fort vers une prolongation plutôt que vers un échange.

La friandise est à 41:10.



  1. Having three 11M+ players worked so well before, might as well try it again

  2. So waste a year and then use next year’s cap increase and JTs contract off the books

    I mean, this year shouldn’t be *worse* I guess.

  3. I know of a certain podcast that’s going to absolutely lose their shit on Friday.

  4. Is it too much to ask for hockey management executives that make millions of dollars to do something the average person on Reddit couldn’t do.

    For instance, I can easily sign Marner for $12.5M for 8 years with a full NMC and most of the money upfront. I expect people that get paid millions to do much better than that.

  5. LeafsChick

    Ohhhh…..cannot wait to hear Kyper & the SDP guys discuss this!!! Steves head may actually explode this time lol

  6. I know comparing sports is silly however, I always saw Marner as DeMar. Great player wrong combination on the roster. I want Marner gone but you probably aren’t getting the hockey equivalent to Kawhi. I hate the idea of running it back but I also think giving him away for nothing is bad. Shanny and Brad get paid the big bucks to figure it out.

    Being a leafs fan is so much fun 🤮

  7. Martian_Knight

    Good. Unpopular opinion, but I believe in Marner.

    Look at last years offseason, people were having the same negative reaction on this sub (maybe not as strong) to nylander, and now he’s a fan favourite again.

    People say you can’t run it back, but sure you can. Where would we be if we hadn’t just been making changes for the sake of making changes the last few years? We’d still have kadri, Hyman, Dakota Joshua, mason marchment, and Connor brown.

    The leafs have a problem with developing good players but walking away from them before you can reap the benefits. It would be a monumental mistake to walk away from Marner now. He could have a Kucherov like impact on a good team in the future.

    I want to see what a 32 year old, grizzled playoff veteran Marner is like. And I want to see that on the leafs.

  8. Counterkiller29

    Hes a 100 point player that we shouldnt be thrilled to be rid of. Even this many years in we have what many teams would love to have.

    Has Marner performed poorly in the playoffs? Certainly. Has he asked for too.much money and will probably get overpaid again? Highly likely. Is he still a high quality, high caliber player with potentially a higher ceiling under a different coach? Yes. We should still be happy if he signs that he even still wants to play here after the plethora of shit he has taken and will definitely continue to take from these fans. If he doesnt sign, dont kid yourself into thinking if hes gone that were magically going to be able to replace his production with free agents, trades and call ups.

    This shit aint moneyball.

  9. Ficklenesses

    If Marner gets extended I officially give up on the Matthews era

  10. runstrawberry

    I really like this team. Going to suck having to wait another year to care to watch the games

  11. Tree might Galaxy braining this but not giving Marner a MTC in the new deal!! Which will allow him to trade him next off season. I doubt this will be the case but what boss move if he did it that way lol

  12. LtColumbo93

    They could very well be talking but I wouldn’t take it as anything definitive regarding what actually gets done. I think either way the Leafs would need to get a handle on what he would be looking for in an extension, whether he ends up signing one or not. Would be pretty negligent to not even have those conversations. 

  13. shredmaster3000

    “You gotta pinky swear to do better in the playoffs.”

  14. TorturedFanClub

    The Shanaplan Shitshow part 9. It’s a great movie, except the ending is always the same and predictable.

  15. Everyone who prefers to extend marner cannot complain about a dman playing too high in the lineup, or some 3rd string goalie playing too many games

  16. DAKiloAlpha

    > Obviously not an insider

    I think he’s gotten enough stuff right and his connections from being in the league mean he can start being trusted with this sort of info. 

    Obviously he’s no Friedman and some of the other guys but it’s not a crazy thing to call him an insider

  17. At the same cap hit% Marners next deal is something like 11.7m

    13.38 of the cap. Kuch, Kaprizov, Rantanen all make between 11-12% with the newest of those deals being signed in 2021.

    12.5% is 11m even next year. Is that something Marner signs? It’s more % then his comparisons but is only a marginal 200k pay bump. 500k less then Willy but I’d argue Willy is making up ground from being underpaid.

    I really do think Marner can come out of this a little better then he went in. He can take a cut and be the hometown guy again. Drum the media, say he can and will take less and that he wants to show his commitment to the city.

    The problem is, even if he wanted to, that kinda thing just doesn’t happen in this league for young players in their prime. JT is kinda an example but he still gained a substantial amount of money from his previous contract.

  18. UnflushableNug

    That was probably the most realistic outcome.

    Best case, he takes a bit of a discount to help smooth things over and shows his commitment.

    There is still enough money in the coffers to bring on a good defenseman and some role players, though they’ll have to go cheap on the goalies.

    Maybe next summer is the real target. The cap keeps going up, Tavares’ $11m comes off the books and there could be an opportunity to load up and get a handful more runs in Matthews’ prime.

  19. H8ersAlwaysH8

    Leafs have zero leverage and teams know that. Leafs aren’t gonna trade a guy just to trade him. If you aren’t getting better then what’s the point? Just hope it’s team friendly and he becomes the playoff Marner that we’ve seen before.

  20. See this wouldn’t be the end of the world if Marner agreed to take a team friendly deal. And I’m not taking anything extreme, 9.5×8 would be cheap enough for me. But we know his dad, and I’m guessing they’ll pinch for literally every dime they can get which will only make winning a cup impossible.

  21. Deluxechin

    Okay but like, come on guys, statistically speaking, there no way this experiment fails 9 times in a row right? Like I mean statistically

  22. Thick-Insurance-7341

    I would re-sign Marner at a price that is commensurate with his playoff performance. But something tells me he’s going to put the screws to the team again, and we’re just going to let him do it. Really hard to stay invested in this team.

  23. moon_safari_

    8×8, and I’m down. If Berube can make him go in front of the net and into the corners in the playoffs, we’re golden.

  24. KnuckedLoose

    Paul Marner has agreed to terms for his son, and to address the lack of grit and checking, Mitch will try to do one push up a day.

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