@Capitals de Washington

Les capitales de Washington sont des débiles pour ce commerce

Pourquoi diable les Capitals ont-ils simplement échangé contre peut-être le pire contrat du hockey ? Suivez-moi sur Twitter @ R1nkR4t


  1. my first reaction was WTF!!
    it just got worse …straight-up no additional picks for taking on the difference of 3 million in cap space and term saving the kings gm,s ass?

    i thought we got rid of all the headcases, mantha ,kuzy..and pending ethan bear.

    maybe leonard comes in and we get a myro leonard dubois line…i was just bitching about how quiet the caps were, now im not sure. on the other hand mayby not since dylan strom and then oshie a decade ago a move works out for us. we are due.

  2. As awful as it looks, he might do well in Washington. He’ll at least get a chance to play. He didn’t as a King.

  3. Player for player it is a trade that helps both teams. The difference is the contracts and the Caps lost big time on that front. My question is why do it now? I think the Caps should have taken more time to explore options. This seemed like it was done in a hurry.

  4. GMBM is a risk taker but kinda genius. I think it will work out for DC and they managed to get rid of Kuemper too. Not bad with lots of upside potential. That contract goes from worst to best if PLD turns it on which he can with this opportunity.

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