@Canucks de Vancouver

Patrick Johnston sur les Canucks et Milstein échangeant Mikheyev ; Guentzel, UFA ; Joshua et Zadorov sont-ils partis ?

Patrick Johnston, de la province, s’arrête avec son point de vue sur le maintien du salaire par rapport à un choix de repêchage dans le cadre d’un accord avec Mikheyev. De plus, PJ se demande si Jake Guentzel est la pièce qui fait des Canucks un véritable prétendant. Patrick donne également son bulletin sur le contrat Hronek et la Coupe Stanley. Présenté par @theWhistlerGolfClub (https://lnk.to/SPWGC) Crédit photo : USA Today Sports https://twitter.com/sekeresandprice https://www.facebook.com/SekeresandPrice https://www.tiktok.com /@sekeresandprice https://www.youtube.com/sekeresprice https://www.instagram.com/sekeresandprice 📧 live@sekeresandprice.com 📲 778-402-9680 https://www.sekeresandprice.com/ https:/ /www.rinkwidevancouver.com #Canucks #VancouverCanucks #NHL #Hockey


  1. I would rather see the Canucks spend the 9.5 mil and get someone like Chandler Stevenson for the third line centre and find another winger for the second line. If Guentzel isn't going to be the piece to put you in contention, it makes more sense to get 2 players for that money.

  2. Why do people keep forgetting that Slavin played his whole career in Carolina? Vancouver reporters love talking about hometown discounts but never takes that into consideration with other teams?

  3. Dandelions were used in teas by indigenous tribes, too much could cause diarrhea so dont go crazy woth it

  4. BIG Z this is really a hard decision. He makes 3.75 a lot probably asking 6.
    You ask the coach if they need this guy. Why don't you guys get the coach on your show and stop all the beer leaguers advice

  5. Patrick Johnson needs to be better prepared. He’s off the mark completely. Severes has the better plan. . Sign 3 players instead. Of Guenzel. Sign Myers, Joshua, Zadorov. Go hunting for cheaper wingers. marchesault, or others.petersen will make them better.

  6. What's with the narrative that Zadorv is a bottom pairing Dman? He's a 2nd pair player, certainly. But the whole media market is pushing this, "He's lucky to even be playing in the NHL!"… I don't know what the point of this narrative is ??? Weird. He can skate, he can smash, he can produce; what more can you ask? As the season went along, after attaining him, he only got better and better, learning the OBVIOUS difference between Tocchet's system and what was happening in Calgary, culminating in his play in the playoffs. This wasn't "regency bias", as being pushed by media; this was a player adapting to a system, and showing how adaptable he could be. I swear, ?SOMETHING? is behind the narrative (maybe The Canucks asking media to do the work convincing Zadorov isn't as good as he actually is ??????? It feels that crazy!). Anyway, hope he re-signs. I'd take him over the Myers they signed to that horrible deal 5 years ago, ANY day of the week!

  7. They have electrified Door Mats in certain States for Bears . If you told all the kids run at it screaming . You would never see that bear again .

  8. I like Jake too but hes older… why not Necas from Carolina??? go after him he's 25 or 26 I thought thats the age range the Canucks Management were after??? Yeah and sorry to say while he's scored 40… Trade Brock:( sad for him to go but I bet u, the Wild would love him there!!! Id rather pay that money to Necas than Jake…

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