@Coyotes de l'Arizona

La vente aux enchères du 27 juin a été annulée

La vente aux enchères du 27 juin a été annulée



  1. Good. Fuck off Meruelo. If we get a new team I wouldn’t want him involved anyway

  2. Fuck you, Alex Meruelo.

    get the fuck out of our state, and away from hockey.

    edit: [more context from Craig](https://x.com/CraigSMorgan/status/1804243872224281076?t=eiKRdiNrRL1tG1Ve6L22fw):

    >Here is the release from the AZ State Land Dept. regarding the cancellation of the auction in thread form:
    « After much consideration, the Arizona State Land Department (ASLD) has determined that it is
    in the best interest of the Trust to cancel the auction and reorder the steps. »

  3. appledatsyuk

    This teams only hope is if ishbia finally buys in. Have no idea why the nhl isn’t doing everything they can to get the dude to buy in

  4. SonicCougar99

    One of two things happened.

    1. He knows he will not have the commitment he needs from the City of Phoenix so he’s walking away.

    2. He has an agreement elsewhere.

    The odds of the first being the case are much more likely than the second.

  5. AltaVistaYourInquiry

    [According to ASLD press release, Meruelo first has to obtain a special use permit allowing an arena to be built on the land BEFORE he can be permitted to buy the land. A total fuckup, again, by the AM crew who seem to have misinterpreted the existing zoning restrictions.](https://twitter.com/NhLplayer123/status/1804244951791710314)

    [And, icing on the cake, I believe the man responsible for this colossal screwup is gone, and has been replaced by AM Jr. not sure that is an improvement.](https://twitter.com/NhLplayer123/status/1804246232455328251)

    I wonder if that’s Xavier Gutierrez

  6. Azfreedom13

    Ah well, dude is a scum bag. Looking at 10-15 years if ever for the yotes to return.

  7. WilliamCincinnatus

    I’m kind of confused. Do the other people bidding on it need a permit as well or is it because PHX knows he’s building the arena so the other bidders don’t have to go through the same process? Also why was this just figured out right now?

  8. PoisonedRadio

    Honestly, there wasn’t possibly a more Coyotes way for this to happen.

  9. thatc0braguy

    I know Murelo doesn’t watch this reddit, but I was looking at Phoenix metro and there’s a crap load of parking lots just south of chase stadium.

    On the off chance someone in his circle sees this, idk maybe buy the parking lots and build near two other *already built & approved* stadiums??

    Or now that the dipshit who used to own the Suns is gone, strike up a conversation about fully funding a renovation of Footprint??? Sure it just got renovated in 2019, but that also means that *most of the work* should already be done, yea? Maybe template some eco/green ice rink for the nhl as a whole while making it suited for hockey.

    Idk, I feel like his lawyers or whatever are being instructed to get the worst possible outcome because no one person can make this many mistakes in a row

  10. This late in the game my bet is that the land dept got notice that the permit would not be issued and they are trying to deflect blame away from themselves and whoever is standing in the way of the permit.

  11. I see this as the state doing a favor to some other bidder who needs time to register. The land department should not even set the auction date if they knew this info. Something shady going on behind the curtain.

  12. ToastBreadPilot

    WHAT. THE.ACTUAL.FUCK! You cant just cancel the fucking auction?!

  13. Meruelo and his son should just leave AZ altogether. They should never be allowed to own a professional team again.

  14. Of for fuck’s sake.

    All of you saying “good now we can do it the right way”

    You will be waiting 10-20 years for a new team. Some of us here in this sub will actually pass away before we get a new team in AZ.

    This isn’t a “yeah let’s wait a few more years to get a new owner”.

    It’s “let’s potentially not have another team in AZ for 1-2 decades”

    Whatever you think about AM, he was the only chance to get a team back in AZ anytime in the remotely near future. Now we may be waiting a DECADE or two to get a new team.

    Great for all of you that are 20 years old. For those of us already at middle age or older we might very well not be around for the next hockey team in AZ.

    Congrats you losers you get your way after all. No hockey in AZ, but we got rid of Mereulo right? That’s the important thing. Ugh.

  15. AmherstDiesel

    Sure fuck it why not let’s just live in this fucking timeline

  16. KickComprehensive765

    If I were a rich dude with f you money. I’d buy the land , build an area, and sell some of the team to Doaner and Barkley.

  17. rollerdad89

    Take your money and just leave AM. Nobody wants your lying, scumbag ass around and the league, fans & players deserve wayyy better than you

  18. haboobmonsoon

    This was yet another grift, he wanted the land for a song and then was just going to sit on it till he could flip it to another developer down the line.

  19. final_screen

    If it doesn’t come out eventually that palms have been greased in this process, I will be very surprised.  There isn’t a single executive within ASLD that I’d trust to watch my pet rock

  20. One last rug pull for old times sake. Crazy how a small market can outcompete a big city as long as their rich asshole is more competent

  21. terminalhockey11

    Working with local and state governments was a big piece of my prior work life. They don’t deviate from process.

    Big or small, they require you to follow their steps and not skip any. Never do you make assumptions based on what you infer from other parcels. They don’t care what you need or if steps aren’t followed.

    This had to have been discussed when they had the zoning and theme park conversations earlier this year. Why wasn’t a permit worked on at that time. Because it doesn’t help them ahead of time to know they can’t build an arena. How ludicrous did it sound to hear the PHNX crew and this sub debate why they had to buy the land to get the answer? In reality they had to apply for the permit and didn’t, even when they should have in the weeks between the meeting and auction. This is what the NHl was afraid of the entire time.

    XG apparently skipped a big step. Are they just burying him? Probably.

    Overall this group has worked to use leverage to renegotiate when it has suited them. Remember them tagging Katie Hobbs in their social posts. Yet they never built relationships because at the time they didn’t need anything or felt they were owed because they owned a team?

    TL,DR once again AM and crew failed to follow what was needed to ensure they obtained the parcel they wanted. The only blame here is on them.

  22. I wonder if he would consider the Fiesta Mall site again? Demolition is complete, I know they have plans for development at that site, but it seems like maybe the only option. Not sure if Mesa government would work with him.

  23. JazzySkins

    Motherfucking Meruelo forgot to file the proper paperwork. Everything he touches turns into a dumpster fire.

  24. Secure-Mechanic-4608

    Damn, I was really hoping Arizona would get it done.

  25. Technical_Foot5243

    Why would he have to obtain a permit for land he does not yet own? Doesn’t that seem like putting the cart before horse? Makes no sense to me. The ASLD release makes it sound like they just came to the decision that they wanted a permit. AM has made plenty of mistakes but I can’t understand how this is on him

  26. GaryBettmanMyHomie

    Plenty of blame on Meruelo, but I think another thing that’s obvious now throughout all of this is that local and state leadership around Arizona doesn’t care for sports teams at all, besides maybe the Suns. They have no desire to help any of these issues along and sometimes actively impede them from happening.

  27. Has there ever been a worse hiring than XG? Hire a lackey with zero professional sports experience, what could possibly go wrong? I mean fuck atleast Jr is a nepo baby and it’s explained by that.

    This team is just doomed until this family is gone and forgotten.

  28. wtfdotdotdot

    I already moved on. Spent almost 3 decades cheering for a team that accomplished fuck all but let me down year after year. It’s sucks honestly moving on but I knew this was gonna happen. Something in me just said it’s over. Move on. I am a Bruins fan going forward. My kids who I wanted to raise as Yotes fans will now be raised as Bruins fans. This team is never going back to the desert. It’s over. Accept it and move on. Go Bs

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