@Hurricanes de la Caroline

« Cela s’appelle Top Golf parce que vous êtes censé dominer le ballon. » — Jarvy, probablement

Juste une petite dose de Jarvilicious pour nous distraire tous de l’angoisse du contrat hors saison.



  1. yemKeuchlyFarley

    There’s no angst. At least not for this deal.

  2. Well, he actually did it perfectly, he topped the golf ball.

  3. weeping-flowers

    I love him so much. Thank you, Jarvy, for representing those of us who suck at TopGolf.

    The Martinook laugh has me laughing. I hope Tulsky keeps him around too.

  4. garbagebailkid

    I’m okay if he sticks to sports instead of golf

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