@Coyotes de l'Arizona

Communiqué de presse du Département des terres de l’Arizona concernant l’annulation des enchères

"Après mûre réflexion, le Département foncier de l’État de l’Arizona (ASLD) a déterminé qu’il était dans le meilleur intérêt du Trust d’annuler la vente aux enchères et de réorganiser les étapes. ASLD a récemment confirmé que l’utilisation proposée de l’arène nécessitera un permis d’utilisation spéciale et, par conséquent, nous demandons au demandeur de demander et de recevoir un permis d’utilisation spéciale avant la vente aux enchères. Cela donne au demandeur et à ASLD la certitude que le demandeur peut construire ce qu’il a l’intention de construire pour son locataire principal. Il n’est pas rare que l’ASLD exige des candidats qu’ils obtiennent des permis de zonage/d’utilisation avant la vente aux enchères. Nous comprenons que le retard d’une vente aux enchères est une déception pour notre candidat et les membres du public, mais le changement de calendrier est une décision prudente pour la Fiducie. ASLD reste ouvert à travailler avec notre candidat pour proposer le terrain aux enchères à l’avenir si un permis d’utilisation spéciale est reçu."



  1. VeryAngryRedneck

    So can Meruello ask for the money back he had to pay to have the land surveyed and brought to auction now that they have rug pulled it?

  2. final_screen

    This sounds to me like ASLD realized there would only be one applicant for the auction.  To determine that a special use permit would be required so late in the process comes across more as a delay tactic.

    A bidding war is the “best interest of the trust” they mention, I imagine. 

  3. servothecow

    Phoenix doesn’t want Meruello to build a sandcastle in the city, much less a theme park zone. He’s garbage, and we’re never getting the yotes back with him in charge. This is something he should have been clear about with the city, he’s only had mega months to prepare. I’m so sick of his stupid ass.

  4. Mandy-pants123

    So…. RIP to the coyotes in the next 5 years?

  5. bigdickpuncher

    6 days before the auction is held they require this? It could take months to get the permit and then months more to rehold the auction.

    If he is the only bidder, I am not sure why they don’t just make acceptance of his bid contingent upon obtaining the permits.

  6. sillysquidtv

    Interest of the ASLD… we will see another auction triggered for the ENTIRE parcel of land in the near future. It would be of interest to sell all of the land in one go vs parts of it at separate times. That is what this sounds like.

  7. PoisonedRadio

    It’s feeling very rock and a hard place at this point. The state says they need a permit and zoning before they own the land and the city won’t zone until they own the land.

    Please just pack it up Alex.

  8. neetsweetmcgeet

    So weird. First Muerello is the only bidder, then he isn’t, then this comes out making it sound like he is. I wonder if other parties really did put in an application to bud and what happened to them

  9. joshkitty

    Everyone call that number. I just called and asked her what she had against hockey in the desert pertaining to the cancelled auction. “No comment”

  10. you_buy_now

    I’m mixed, I think the land department might be kicking the can down the road, but I like AM needing to have a permit for an arena. It makes it seem less likely that he would just use the land for something else.

  11. APigthatflys

    I’m putting my tinfoil hat on for a second:

    Meruelo has no interest in owning the Coyotes or any sports team with the exception that he NEEDS on to operate a sportsbook in AZ (So I’ve read, I’m not from nor live in AZ). The NHL (and maybe even Bettman) got wind that Meruelo was planning to buy the site and dip out of all prior agreements and just build a massive fuckin casino there instead, and so Bettman swooped in and saved the day by telling ASLD to postpone until they can guarantee Meruelo is actually building an arena for a team.

    Anyways, tinfoil hat off, fuck Meruelo.

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