@Panthers de la Floride

Les Panthers de la Floride perdent contre les Oilers d’Edmonton 5-1 lors du sixième match de la finale de la Coupe Stanley

#floridapanthers #stanleycup #oilers #FlyingFluffy Lien vers mon livre – Lessons in Faith…..and Sports – https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CQHLM287?ref_=pe_93986420_774957520 Vidéos quotidiennes couvrant la LNH avec un accent sur les Panthers de Floride. Rejoignez cette chaîne pour accéder à mon podcast. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChnqB3Vwi9BfGNIIn81XT2w/join Patreon – https://www.patreon.com/flyingfluffy?fan_landing=true Chaîne pour hommes – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKXf0TjkOrShUOdh1kmlTww Chaîne de pêche – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6favfepxyA_N103iFeTy0A Chaîne de football – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLP52YaITelipWyT7RqpPAA Lien vers Flying Fluffy Merch – https://flying-fluffy.creator-spring.com/ listing/flying-fluffy-shirts-tanks-and?product=211 Lien vers la sous-pile de Flying Fluffy – https://substack.com/@flyingfluffyhockey Panthers Gear sur Ebay – https://www.ebay.com/str/dowhatyouwantbewhatyouare? _bkw=panthers​ Suivez-moi sur Twitter – https://twitter.com/jawsaholic Demandes commerciales et de collaboration : Flyingfluffyhockey@gmail.com


  1. “I don’t believe in momentum” 

    ”I just thought they needed some profanity in their live’s”

    In the words of Captain America:

  2. I think Maurice is just a very out-of-touch dude. I know he is trying to do the right thing and calm everyone down but there is a time and place for that not now. His mentality of everything is alright is what ultimately caused him to have over confidence in his system and teams performance when obviously its not there. This is also half on the players for not giving a shit about anything, but Maurices attitude definitely affected them into thinking "well we got one more chance even if we lose this one" like Tarasenkos response on what feeling pressure meant. Obviously Maurice is not going to change the system, its too late anyways they cant make adjustments in a couple days and win game 7. I know it sounds like I am being pessimistic but I dont see any way the Panthers can win game 7. Bob is embarrassed and was pulled from post game questions tonight, their responses again are the same bs, etc. Oilers deserve it, they adapted and kept on playing despite the odds, whereas the Panthers did not adapt and started getting outworked. Its either going to be another too late half assed effort in a game 7 loss or an other total blowout. Of course I want to be proven wrong and you can all clown me for the rest of the year, but we will see if they really want it or not.

  3. Start fresh, 1 more game. They are going to need to play with more smarts and heart than we saw tonight though they looked lost at times. I wonder if it's nerves

  4. For those of you still keeping the faith, stay strong. But it's gonna take a miracle to get us out of this. Florida doesn't look good and they have consistently not looked good for 3 games straight. I fully expect Oilers in 7 at this point and if I'm proven wrong I'm playing the lottery. I'm just glad we represented the entire Eastern Conference 2 years in a row, which is still impressive. And man, I'm sorry to hear about Fluffy. I can't imagine how you feel right now.

  5. And talking about the passes, the first goal, Swaggy drills it right to the skates of Barkov when he was like 15 feet away and boom breakaway the other end. If Swaggy is really this injured and THIS much of a liability, just dont play him like Edmonton did with Kane, I mean dude cant even lift the puck off the ice to go top shelf and cant pass for his life. It's almost too late to do anything now; their whole mentality is like procrastinating work, "I'll finish it tomorrow, I got another day, oh crap, it's due today by 8. I can't do it anymore".

  6. I’m super late to the news on Fluffy. Sadly, I experienced something similar myself.

    When Tampa won their 2nd straight cup in 2021, my golden retriever Ginger…her health declined drastically due to her arthritis and a bad hip. She’s usually an outside dog, but was forced to stay inside due to her health and her lack of mobility. She took a turn for the worst during Game 7 of the Eastern Conference finals between Tampa and NYI. She was put down the very next day.

    It was a hard time for all of us in the family at that point. At the same time, our old chihuahua Sugar was also declining health wise. She was having bad allergies, breathing issues, and eventually her entire kindhearted personality was slowly disappearing…on Mother’s Day 2 years later, we lost Sugar. She fought for every ounce of effort and air she could…she died on my mom’s lap that night. It was a horrible day for all of us. We had to place her dead body in a box and bury her the next day.

    Thankfully, we adopted another chihuahua in Bebe shortly before Sugar passed as Bebe was treated poorly by her old owner…she is ornery and full of life, but she has given us a nice jolt of love and affection to the family even if she’s insecure and defensive about other people.

    I’m sorry that your family is now dealing with the same reality with your pets. Just know there’s people that understand that grieving.

    Btw. This has been a fantastic Stanley Cup Final, to which I have no rooting interests her, even though the Oilers are the NHL parent team for my hometown Fort Wayne Komets, the 2nd most successful minor league hockey team in the history of hockey.

    I’m hoping for a great Game 7 to close out another exciting playoffs!

  7. Wishing you all the best with Fluffy and im pulling for the panthers here ♡ lets go! Yall got this!

  8. Florida is slow and fatigued compared to the Oilers… and don't know how to handle the long travel days (Edmonton haz been doing that all year.) Love to see it.

  9. Florida is a text book example right now of a team with no confidence and afraid of losing.

  10. no one ever talks about the blatant interference on the EDM first goal: hey refs how did he get that open? oh game 5 change of MO, FL making a move, would go on PP but lets call embellishment and go 4-4 BUT tonight #29 completely embellishes, but lets not call that

  11. ole boy . . . daughter had a german shepherd for 6 yrs in the city. i never see the dog but a cpl times over that 6 yrs. worked out that she moved out west so i took the dog over so it didn't have to be rehomed out of the family. me being scared to death of guard dogs, like rottweilers and pitbulls and the like. i've had him for 7 months now, its just me and him here. sometimes i let my mind wonder and think about having to let him go or something happening to him, i have to stop myself right away when i get doing that, i don't like that train of thought. hard to believe that only after 7 months that a dog could get so close. good luck with fluffy. as far as the hockey, a leafs fan here but i guess i'm rooting for the oilers. i wish they both could win, for you and us up here. i do know one thing, you'll see a different florida team monday than you've see the last 3 games. wether its enough, we'el see but for now, enjoy these cpl of days waiting for the game, its the best part.

  12. For what it’s worth I hate the panthers but your the only fan I would feel good about if they win and bad about if they lost lol

  13. They have regressed into the same team that mentally gives up, and gets bounced in round 1 by Tampa. This series loss will do intense damage to the franchise. If its not their cup this year, get ready for the 'Florida are the Coyotes 2.0' rhetoric to return.

  14. This guy needs some serious help. Its just a stupid hockey team. Get a life dude!!! I'll tell you what, why don't you lace up a pair of skates, go out there and do something about it. But you can't, so all you do is criticize the coach and the players. Just a typical loser fan. Just sitting on your couch, eating ice cream, accepting money from some of the other fools, and telling everyone what the team should do. My man, you don't know anything!!

  15. I couldn’t agree more with your frustration. When I was 23, my wife and I bought into this new sport coming to Miami. I knew little about ice hockey. I attended the workshops the team held to teach new fans the game, and the hype events. I spent my hard earned money to buy season tickets for the inaugural year. I didn’t have great seats but I was there. I was 100% on fire for the team. Each year, I upgraded my seats, spending more and more. Then 1996 came. What a season! My favorite players were Paul Laus and Billy Lindsay. I had authentic jerseys for both. That season was so electric – but I didn’t know what I was witnessing. I kind of thought this was the norm. I went to game 4 of the Cup as we got swept. I was crushed… but I thought “we’ll get them next year!”

    Goddamn does “next year” turn into a long time! We were the definition of mediocre (at best). I watched as we traded my favorite players away and as new faces came in. I bought the merch and went to games until I moved out of state. Even then, every game in Detroit (moved to Kalamazoo) and Chicago, I was there, rooting for my Panthers! God it was painful to be laughed at by hockey fans.

    I now live in Vancouver, WA but I still go to every Panther game I can; against Kraken, Detroit, Chicago and random games during the year. I pay for NHL Center Ice so I can watch every Panther game, which I do! I tape them when I’m working.

    I went to Vegas for Stanley Cup game 2 and endured watching us play like a team that was out of gas. I was just so happy to finally be a relevant team again. This season, I actually flew back home to Ft Lauderdale to see several games, including game 5 of the Cup.

    I say all of this to lay the foundation that I am NOT a new fan jumping on the bandwagon. I feel your words like they are my own. Diehard fans, who have been thru so much shit with this team, we deserve better than the way this is going down.

    I’ve never seen a complete turnaround like this; it was two weeks ago that we were on cloud 9 as we were shocking everyone in the NHL world with a 3-0 lead. All we needed was one more. But you could feel the winds of change even then; we were winning games we didn’t really fully control. We got lucky. This series could easily be over already.

    Panthers fans went from a place where we thought finally, we would be able to see our team raise the cup. Finally, all the suffering as a fan was worth it. One more game to win and my bucket list would have an item removed.

    It seems like this isn’t meant to be. In two weeks, we went from being such a confident group to guys that look defeated and deflated. They don’t even know what to say. No words. Only Maurice has banter for us. Sometimes it’s funny. He has made me feel better at times, the way he downplays the disaster around us. But I’m 100% with you; I’m done with the bullshit cutesy comments. I’m so angry at the lack of adjustments and seriousness about getting back on track. Now Bob looks broken… we should have started Stolarz tonight!!

    I have no choice but to watch this shit show completely burn down. If they win,,,, I feel like they have tarnished their reputation with how they gave up 3 games. Trust me, I’ll still take the Cup but how we win does mean something.

    You aren’t alone. I understand the passion for this team and the frustration as we watch opportunities slip by. Thanks for the video and good luck with the dog…🙏❤️⛸️🏒🥅

  16. Us? You're part of the team? You're on the payroll? You brought Maurice here? You're nobody, and if the players watched this, they would laugh at you, like many others are now doing. Go Oilers!!!

  17. The panthers actually are playing 4d chess. They lost the game in edm in order to lose game 7 in order to show em next season

  18. Fluffy needs you, sorry to break this to you. I understand you love Florida like I love Boston. But the team doesnt need you like Fluffy needs you. To him, you are very likely exact everything he loves. I cry as I write this, I lost many dogs in my life and know the pain. So every moment you can give him, GIVE IT! Forget game 7. Be with fluffy as you are his hero.

    I would give everything for just 1 more moment with the dohs I lost. just one more moment. I can never have that. you still can!

  19. Please consider all your negative emotions of FLorida loosing, your iner energy, Fluffy will feel it too. Its not right for him to feel that when he needs you to be balanced and strong for him. He needs your positive love and care. I hope you make the choice of letting go of game 7 and just stay happy with him. He need you to be strong and positive. He will feel everything you feel. Love you buddy, make the right choice. skip game 7 and potenially all negative emotions that may come with it. You are his hero. you are his everything

  20. You are talking a lot of bullshit!we went with that couch twice to the finals!why cant you just see that edmonton has the most dangerus attacker(dreisaitel)and with mc david the best player in the world!?we simply dont have a scorer like that!sombody that scores almost sure wen he gets a shot off!reinhart?well,you are:sooo in love with youre momentum!so…maybe the time he scored sooo many in regular saison,that was just momentum!?maybe thats also why he does not have a new contract so far!?what do you mean"thats it!that is the team"?no,there:will be changes one way or the other!that is for sure!even when we win there has to be some new blood comming in so they stay a hungry team!lets just see what happens!maybe edmonton has a not so good game in the last game!then we win and nobody cares about the 3 looses anymore!but if they play at there top level,well ,then it is difficult for us because they have even some more talent then we have!but they will be nerves as well and i think it will be time to win the thing at home now!!

  21. I’m a Panthers fan but also a Falcons fan. I’ve seen what this kind of collapse looks like and how it affects the franchise and fanbase in general and honestly, it’s not good. It’s even worse for the Panthers since they are starting to build a fanbase right now. Lose this series and they will lose that fanbase. Much like the Falcons did. No one will show up to game and no one will be excited for upcoming seasons. And how? How do you get excited when your team was on the verge of winning their first championship and blew it. It makes it feel like no matter what they do, they will never obtain the ultimate prize.

    Idk if I can get myself to watch game 7. It helps that I also have a hockey game that night and can play in that. I just, I can’t watch another one of my teams go through that again.

  22. I'm not a hockey fan, nor know anything about the sport despite the puck needs to get in the net. I'm not pretending to know what's right. What I see is the Oilers have found an adjustment that is working. That adjustment is either something the Panthers cannot correct or they don't know what the Oilers see. Oilers clearly are playing like they want it more. I'm a sports fan and just don't see how the Panthers win Game 7. It doesn't look like a team that believes like the Oilers do. Good luck to both teams.

  23. The Panthers need more support from their fanbase than ever before. I don´t know what it would help if Maurice lost his calm and showed publicly that he´s desperate. Zito throwing a water bottle shows passion but it doesn´t fix anything. I think it´s totally inexcusable for the fanbase to have a funeral for their team before the season is over. The team can´t think that they are going to humiliate themselves in the worst possible hockey way. They have to focus on the possibility. Thinking about the next game as Game Seven gets the thoughts to the possibilty of reverse sweep, but thinking of the next game as an unique chance on home ice, like a hockey Super Bowl, puts things in right perspective. We have to remember that also the Oilers are going to feel pressure now. If they lose, their remarkable comeback from 0-3 to 3-3 will be worth absolutely nothing. The Panthers are in a difficult position but they are not in an impossible position. I think that it´s crucial to get the first goal in the next game and light the home arena on fire. Alternatively they have to play very safe zero-zero for as long as possible and capitalize on some mistake that Kulak, Ceci or Nurse will do sooner or later. The momentum has changed once in this series. It can change once again.

  24. Hello from your Bruins buddy… Life is crazy and it's not easy. When you lose Fluffy, a new chapter in your life will begin, everything will fall into place. I think that the hockey gods want Florida to win the Stanley Cup AT HOME. If there's one team in the league that I would still have faith in at this point, it's the Panthers. What has bothered me is Florida's lack of physical play. Where is the aggression and violence of action that they show when they play Boston? What are they doing out there?!? Fuckin hell… they should be laying out Oilers all over the ice. Put McDavid's through the damn glass!!! Do something that represents Panthers hockey and start smashing some Oilers!!! If there's one coach who would tell momentum to kiss their ass, it's Paul Maurice. If Maurice says momentum is bullshit, then it's bullshit. Sorry I know it's nuts but I love it man. Maurice is saying that because he doesn't want the players to lose hope. Now you can sort of understand how we (Bruins fans) were feeling last year when we choked. If you lose game 7, it will be equally as bad as what happened when you came back and beat us last year. Again, as a Bruins fan that DESPISES the Panthers, I've been cheering for you guys since game 1. I still believe the Panthers will win this one. Head up!!

  25. If I was a Panther fan, regardless of Game 7's outcome, I would hang my head in shame. up 3-0 and fall apart in the next 3 games. This should never have happened. Don't gripe about the offside call negating a goal, shit happens, and it was a brilliant and gutsy challenge to make. It seems the Oilers have solved both the relentless forecheck of the Panthers, and Bobrovsky. Team speed and quick passes to get out of the zone creates chances on the rush, and the Panthers PP is non existent. Oilers are the better team these last 3 games and they were the better team in game 1, just couldn't put the puck in the net in game 1. What happened to Reinhart? 50+ goal scorer is not scoring, and only Barkov seems to want to play.

  26. The Fluffy news is rough. Ill pray for you, my friend.

    As far as the Panthers are concerned…. Three more days, and we'll have a conclusion. It'll either be joyous or agony. I got 30 years into this team. Don’t know how much I got left in me if this ends poorly.

    I really can't blame Bob for the goals that were scored. None are soft or bad ones and hes still had some good saves. The rest of the team, I have no words.

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