@Panthers de la Floride

Réaction du match 6 : Les Panthers font des « fautes mentales » – PK Subban | Centre sportif

SportsCenter récapitule le sixième match de la finale de la Coupe Stanley où les Oilers d’Edmonton ont battu les Panthers de la Floride pour forcer un septième match lundi soir. Paul Maurice donne son avis sur un but rappelé après une rediffusion déterminée hors-jeu avant que Steve Levy, Mark Messier et PK Subban ne réagissent au fait que les Oilers égalisent la série après avoir été menés 3-0. 0:00 Panthers vs. Oilers Game 6 4:44 Conférence de presse de Maurice 6:32 Réaction de Messier et Subban 9:26 Vestiaire d’Aleksander Barkov 11:17 Conférence de presse de Stuart Skinner ✔️ Abonnez-vous à ESPN+ https://plus.espn.com/ ✔️ Obtenez l’application ESPN : http://www.espn.com/espn/apps/espn ✔️ Abonnez-vous à ESPN sur YouTube : http://es.pn/SUBSCRIBEtoYOUTUBE ✔️Abonnez-vous à ESPN FC sur YouTube : http://bit .ly/SUBSCRIBEtoESPNFC ✔️Abonnez-vous à NBA sur ESPN sur YouTube : http://bit.ly/SUBSCRIBEtoNBAonESPN Regardez ESPN sur YouTube TV : http://es.pn/YouTubeTV


  1. Not sure what broadcaster needs to hear this but, Panthers are not 'dragging' Oilers back to Florida, that only works if they're forcing a game 7, Panthers would have liked to NOT have a game 7. Oilers are CHASING them back to Florida.

  2. For all Oil fans, remember that pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall. Yes, you've dismantled (sort of) Florida at Rogers Place the last two games but the 5-3 game at Sunrise last Tuesday was a very, very near thing. In fact, the Panthers completely dominated the last half of that game (just look at the stats) and the Oil were just trying to hold on for dear life at the end. Just saying you might want to hold off on those SCF winner t-shirts until the final horn sounds on Monday.

  3. Man I remember everyone thought the oil were out now look at it game 7. That's heart if I ever seen it WE WANT THE CUP WE WANT THE CUP.

  4. 12:30 The biggest goal differentials in three game span stats displayed there. I notice that those teams had on them the greatest players in NHL history. Gretzky, Lemieux, Orr and now McDavid… 1-)

    1:00 p.m.

  5. No high road. Paul is trying to get into Knobs mind. Won't work. It was obviously offside. Knob had already made up his mind before discussing with his staff.

  6. Imagine Oilers will win one more game to make the biggest comeback story in the history of NHL : )

  7. They took the ice three times with the Cup in the building…could not close…to believe they will in game 7 seems like a country mile stretch…

  8. What do you expect from a bunch of flopping turtles? Those guys don't deserve the cup…bring it back to Canada ….the home of hockey.😊

  9. Most haters don’t understand how dominating PK was for montreal. You don’t know unless you were ever at the Bell center. Him & Carey Price were ELECTRIC !

  10. We are witnessing the Oilers making NHL history, a once in a life time event which we will never see this happen again in our life, so watch the next game and enjoy this special event. Go Oilers go.

  11. Barkov is a stud. Love that response. Hes a Conn Smythe guy if they win on Monday. Otherwise its gotta be McD even though his team is lit.

  12. Everyone has been BEGGING for Florida to slip up since the start of the series, every commentator has been heavy dick riding the oilers even when Florida played well, glad the bias gets what it wants in the end, so unenjoyable to listen to sports broadcasts be so heavily biased mightes well be politics

  13. "Coach, you said at the beginning that your team was prepared tonplay seven…"

    Maurice, internally: Thank God, they didn't ask about us losing three in a row.

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