@Blackhawks de Chicago

Le deuxième choix des Blackhawks au repêchage de la LNH, Artyom Levshunov, Ivan Demidov : ce que j’entends

Le deuxième choix des Blackhawks au repêchage de la LNH, Artyom Levshunov, Ivan Demidov : ce que j’entends



  1. Scott and Laz are such a blessing to have as our writers. Most teams don’t even have one guy at the athletic and we have 2.

    The hawks are up there with Toronto Montreal and Boston in terms of how much people in the city care about the team.

  2. big-daddy-unikron

    I got 2 sentences in before another website wants me to make an account so they can sell my privacy, who’s got the gist?

  3. big-chicago-guy

    tl/dr: could go either way

    imo if neither is gonna play right away take demidov

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