@Canadiens de Montréal

Paul Maurice, avant-match de la finale de la Coupe Stanley : Panthers de la Floride contre Oilers d’Edmonton, match 6

L’entraîneur des Panthers de la Floride, Paul Maurice, s’adresse aux médias avant le match 6 de la finale de la coupe Stanley à Edmonton, le vendredi 21 juin 2024. Les Panthers viennent de perdre 5-3 contre les Oilers d’Edmonton lors du match 5 de la finale de la coupe Stanley à Lever du soleil mardi soir. La Floride a perdu les deux derniers matchs, mais reste à une victoire de la Coupe Stanley et détient une avance de 3-2 dans la série meilleure des 7. Le sixième match de la finale de la Coupe aura lieu vendredi à 20 h (ABC) à Edmonton. Les Oilers et McDavid ramènent les Panthers de la Floride à Edmonton : https://floridahockeynow.com/edmonton-oilers-5-florida-panthers-3-game-5-stanley-cup-final-sunrise/ Ryan Lomberg revient pour les Panthers : https : //floridahockeynow.com/ryan-lomberg-back-stanley-cup-final-florida-panthers/ Pour la couverture la plus approfondie des Panthers de la Floride : — Visitez Florida Hockey Now — https://floridahockeynow.com — Abonnez-vous à Florida Hockey Now : https://floridahockeynow.com/membership-account/subscribe-to-fhn/ — Aimez notre page Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/flahockeynow/ — Suivez-nous sur Twitter : * https :/ /twitter.com/GeorgeRichards * https://twitter.com/colbydguy * https://twitter.com/thegovman — Abonnez-vous à la chaîne YouTube FHN https://www.youtube.com/@floridahockeynow * Visitez l’équipe FHN Boutiques : * TeePublic http://tee.pub/lic/UKrz2m2wY6Q * RedBubble https://www.redbubble.com/people/FloridaHockey/shop Edmonton a pris une avance de 3-0 à la seconde avant que les Panthers ne commencent à revenir. Matthew Tkachuk a porté le score à 3-1, tandis qu’Evan Rodrigues a porté le score à 4-2 après 40 minutes. Oliver Ekman-Larsson a marqué 5 minutes après le début de la troisième, mais Connor McDavid a terminé avec deux buts et quatre points, dont un filet vide, pour glacer le match. —— Continuez à suivre https://floridahockeynow.com tout au long de la finale — rendez-nous visite là-bas et envisagez de vous abonner pour soutenir les journalistes locaux couvrant de manière indépendante les Panthers de Floride. N’oubliez pas de vous abonner à la chaîne YouTube FHN pour suivre les vidéos tout au long des séries éliminatoires. Vidéo avec l’aimable autorisation des Panthers de la Floride


  1. As a Ranger fan I generally don't give a damn who wins the cup, BUT, I do want to see this phenomenal coach finally get one. Paul Maurice is like no one else and he proves it with every press conference and interview. That being said, I'm rooting hard for the Panthers

  2. I always liked the idea of winning the Cup on the road, it's like stealing it and bringing it home!

  3. This is rigged. NHL is scared to death a warm weather team wins the Cup against a Canadian team. Oilers get away with anything and everything while Panthers get sent to box. Just call it the same and fair for both teams.

  4. This guy is way to f'n calm. So some emotion wtf. You either play hard and get it done or be an embarrassment for the next couple of years. It's ride or die time wtf.

  5. The Panthers who have really NOT made any major changes and in general do NOT look impressive are very likely to be the second team in Stanley Cup History to blow a 3-0 lead. They aren't aggressive, they are slow , it's quite sad to see

  6. Wow …2 shots TOTAL by Florida in the first. The coach better wake up and FINALLY make adjustments. Florida does Not look hungry at all. Is this Figure Skating by Florida, it sure isn't Hockey

  7. WTF are you doing on the ice??? You are NOT PLAYING YOUR GAME that got you to the SC!
    Body checking game style is NOT your game and that style NEVER wins the game because:
    1. During a body check you lose sight on the play & puck so WTF; you are more interested in a body bang on the boards then the hunt for the puck with your stick blades on the ice!
    2. Keep your passes towards the boards when entering their zone so you can enter their zone and keep possession of the puck, that is the right way to grind them down with the play and in their zone you will stay!
    3. Big Bob needs to close his legs, prevent & stop all rebounds, play the pipes tight, NEVER leave the Blue Seam and only then you can live the SC dream!

    Go back to your disciplined elite forecheck & grind game, you can't win the SC no other way!

  8. You failures will get reversed, swept just know that when you do, I am not renewing my season tickers. I will throw away anything I own with a Panther logo on it. I will email my 1500 client list and tell them to never buy tickets to any game ever again. I will tell everyone I have ever met to never buy any Panther merchandise ever again. You losers are disgustingly disappointing. Good luck winning a cup in the next 30 years, you absolute fucking failures.

  9. Blah blah blah
    Same old tired zen BS.
    This dude is a fraud and there’s a reason he can’t win the Cup.

    Call your boys out in the media and walk out and send a message because they’re about to be memes FOREVER!

  10. Maurice is now too calm. And I'm typing after game 6 debacle. If I were him id be screaming at players irate.

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