@Panthers de la Floride

Barkov, Tkachuk et l’entraîneur Maurice | Entretiens pratiques SCF | 6.23.24

0:00 – Barkov et Tkachuk 8:48 – Coach Maurice Restez connecté avec les #FloridaPanthers : Abonnez-vous 👉 https://www.youtube.com/@flapanthers?sub_confirmation=1 Instagram 👉 https://www.instagram.com/ Flapanthers/ TikTok 👉 https://www.tiktok.com/@flapanthers Twitter 👉 https://twitter.com/flapanthers Facebook 👉 https://www.facebook.com/flapanthers Site Web 👉 https://www.floridapanthers. com


  1. A week ago I was on cloud nine concerning this team. It almost seems like a dream that were here… The game seven with Edmonton. We need to get our confidence back for this game. It’s over. Let’s go Panthers!!

  2. Blues fan here. Love the Panthers but what I see is 2 troubling things. Bob your star goaltender didnt show for practice. Second you guys look bland and passionless in your interviews. The Oilers are in your heads. Sad sad to see. I pick Oilers winning 3-2 in overtime. They look like a team that really wants it. You guys need to rewatch Vegas hoisting the Cup video from last year and taste the anger. Its apparent you need a wakeup call.

  3. Love our team Native Floridian est 1988- so thankful to be able to go to this game tomorrow and be a part of whatever the result may be❤️🚨🚨🚨

  4. Not an even series. Great on boys. Oilers blew out the Panthers on game 4 (8-1) and almost won the first 2 games. Goalie Bob is no longer the uneatable goalie. The refs watch for all the Panther dives now. Even the fake knee injuries which were game ending injuries resulted in that same player on the next shift. Panthers have been watching soccer player far too long. Panther fans are not even close to the Oiler fans. Watch for all the empty seats. I am sure the Panthers want to forget.

  5. Be prepared for the biggest choke in sports history. The Oilers are winning the Cup, and there's absolutely nothing the Panthers can do about it.

  6. I watched the OILERS press conference too, their body language and answers were way way way better then these two, these two look so scared just trying to look cool. Oilers are winning tomorrow for sure!!!!!!!

  7. So cringy to hear “play in front of our home fans who have been so crucial!” Lmao all your fans are band wagon fans! Been paying 15$ a ticket all year whoopdy doooo! Stfu!

  8. This is probably gonna be the best finals series since the 90s, just in terms of what happens after the cup is lifted. We all know if the oilers win, possible beginning of a dynasty with 2 superstars that will resign in Edmonton. Potential of being the most talked about finals series just due to the fact that oilers were down 0-3 & have a chance to win in game 7. If the oilers lose it won’t be as much of an issue because they were down 0-3 to begin with.

  9. Ive been listening to their interviews throughout the whole series. On BOTH sides, Panthers and Oilers sides of fans everyone's going ape****, including me who isn't a fan of either team, I'm a Wings fan so it shouldn't matter, I should be just wanting a great series and then the board is reset and we see what happens in September and we're all back to rooting for our individual teams, and I shouldn't care but I DO! People care. Some are diehards, while those of us that should be in neutral territory just want a good series but, Panthers and Oilers fans are….. ITS A MADHOUSE! More brutal than anything I've ever seen and, with Bobrovsky in the net, his story is I guess why I care so Ive been pulling for Florida even though I wanted a Dallas/Rangers series here we are.

    But, these interviews have been interesting because even when Florida was ahead and everything thought it was over at the start of Game 4, it's as though Paul Maurice has had a leash on his team because every interview they've done that I've followed since the start, it doesn't seem to matter to them win or lose, they sound more like actors that just want to put on a good show for the fans or those in the audience, that's all I can gather from it. Paul Maurice, himself, doesn't seem to care, he talks more, and has from the beginning of the series so it's not like because the tides of the series turned they accepted loss and just try to explain it away, no, he talks more that he's concerned his players are growing like they should be, that if they lose the series and the Cup, that doesn't matter if they played a good series. Or if they were to win, he might feel they didn't deserve it if they played a lousy game and hadnt grown. So, I'm shocked through all of the interviews how at ease they all are. It's a big moment in hockey and it's just another day for them and the only thing that matters to them is they're putting on a good show. Meanwhile, everyone else is going crazy and falling into crisis. Look how calm Tkachuk is, the Cups on the line tomorrow and he's easy about it, ya gotta respect it. If they lose tomorrow theyre gonna be feeling it, same for Edmonton. There's an unmistakable look that you can read on their faces BOTH ways that win they're going crazy but lose, and that's a really heavy look so, kudos to Paul Maurice whose kept them consistent through the series, they seem like robots or actors but I guess in their mind, it's not over until it's over and I guess you see how you feel then.

    I feel for Florida fans though. Oilers fans are going nuts, but Edmontons seen the Cup before. Itd be nice for Panthers fans to get at least one, even if they never make the playoffs or see a Cup Final again, to have at least one. So, get in the game guys, Bob needs to play as he always has and really watch that stick side. Edmonton feels they know Bob now but as I carefully watched Edmonton's goals, Bobs challenged odd-man rushes before and come out, but all of those goals were stick side, Bob flat on his butt and flat to ground either between his toe trying to get to post or up over his blocker, like clockwork.

    The other concern I think is Florida let Game 4 get to them too much and they've changed their game and maybe gotten too technical versus just playing the game they did games 1-3, something happened in Game 4 NOBODY knows what happened. Florida had solid passes, the forecheck was on point, they were scoring goals, defense bailed Bob out a couple of times and then the last three games, it all unraveled, passes were sloppy, forecheck disappeared and defense crumbles…… And they're all still this calm in their interviews. Desperation happened to Edmonton and McDavid is all they had and he was apparently carrying the team alone until he seemed to have fired Bob out. Does desperation kick in for Florida and they learn? This series doesn't make any sense

  10. Coilers have the best player to ever play the game. The career defining moment is why hasn’t McJesus won one cup yet?

  11. I've turned my sleeping schedule around for the whole series and have been hoping for it to end since game 4 but now it doesnt matter. Gonna be a good game. Like it when new teams win so rooting for panthers!

  12. Of the last nine SCFs that went seven games, three of them were won by teams that blew 3-1 leads (Carolina in 2006, NYR in 1994 and the Oil in 1987). In all of those series, everyone was saying the same thing…that the team that had blown the 3-1 lead was done and dusted. However, the opposite happened. I'm not saying this is what's going to occur, but it wouldn't surprise me if the Panthers easily beat the Oil and make this a totally anticlimactic Game 7.

  13. These boys sounding and looking like they're heading to the gallows. Their leader's (Barkov's) body language speaks volumes.

  14. Tkachuk is doing a good job at hiding the pain. Barkov can't. They're obviously rattled. They'll have to play a perfect game, the Oilers are extremely confident right now.

  15. Let me fact check you Matty boy you only out pkayed the oilers in game 2 and you know it and that fact stings…Your Goalie stole you two games your team didn't deserve to win.

  16. You’ll become Champion because you’re Good and not playing DIRTY and intending to injured your opponent!!!! Because if I am a Panther fan I will not Proud of it!!!!!

  17. Really “loudest rink I’ve ever played in my life” must be deaf after leaving Edmonton and can’t think straight, the DB meter was 113db in Edmonton for game six, lets keep our ears open for game seven.

  18. As a flames fan… please win… please… please don't take me into the valley with a loss… please win and beat these red bearded ugly oilers

  19. Dude these reporters have it out to kill the panthers chances at winning, by reminding them of the colossal failure to end the series after a 3-0 lead 😂

  20. Send Matthew to the promised land oilers he's a big baby and a winer his dad should off taken his soother out of his mouth and saved it for these games

  21. If Panthers will win not a big deal as OILERS already made HISTORY!!!! And will still continue praying for the OILERS 🙏🙏🙏

  22. Panthers are a good team and play hard.
    I am a Canadian.
    I want to see Lord Stanley’s Cup come back home to Canada.

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