@Bruins de Boston

Que va-t-il se passer avec Linus Ullmark ? | Rondelles avec Haggs

Joe Haggerty, Jimmy Murphy et Mark Divver discutent des rumeurs commerciales impliquant Linus Ullmark et de la possibilité qu’il se retrouve avec les Sénateurs d’Ottawa au cours des prochaines semaines. Choix de prix ! Participez à l’excitation avec PrizePicks, l’application de sports fantastiques n°1 aux États-Unis, où vous pouvez transformer vos connaissances en cerceaux en argent important. Téléchargez l’application aujourd’hui et utilisez le code CLNS pour un premier dépôt jusqu’à 100 $ ! Choisissez-en plus. Choisissez moins. C’est si facile! Accédez à https://PrizePicks.com/CLNS Gametime ! Fini les incertitudes liées à l’achat de billets NBA avec Gametime. Téléchargez l’application Gametime, créez un compte et utilisez le code CLNS pour 20 $ de réduction sur votre premier achat. Téléchargez Gametime aujourd’hui. Billets de dernière minute. Prix ​​le plus bas. Garanti. Des conditions s’appliquent. Allez sur https://gametime.co ! ————————————————– ————————————————– —————————– Bienvenue sur la chaîne YouTube du #CLNS Media Network pour le hockey des #Bruins de Boston. CLNS Media est le principal fournisseur en ligne de couverture audio/vidéo des sports de Boston. Obtenez un accès intérieur complet aux Bruins au TD Garden, aux patins du jour du match au Warrior et partout sur la route. Les initiés accrédités de CLNS #NHLBruins Mike « Trags » Petraglia, Evan Marinofski, Conor Ryan et Joe « Haggs » Haggerty. Fournir des informations et des analyses instantanées en temps réel, ainsi qu’un accès complet aux vidéos complètes des joueurs, des entraîneurs, des propriétaires et de tous les autres utilisateurs de Causeway Street. Pour les Celtics, Patriots, Red Sox, College Hoops, NBA History, primés par le CLNS, rendez-vous ici sur les chaînes en vedette – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiP7KyKodc3OHuN_XhEyPPw?sub_confirmation=1


  1. People need to stop they have their one two punch leave them alone let's see if your brain can get that stop posting about the goalies Boston Bruins

  2. The question really should be, why wouldn't Linus Ullmark accept a trade to the Ottawa Senators at this point and the Bruins damn well better hope Ullmark agrees to a trade to Ottawa because they are probably the only team in the NHL in the market for him

    Also, if Linus Ullmark actually cares about his next contract being for as long and for as much money as possible, a trade to Ottawa gives him that very option!!!

    There is no other guaranteed path for Ullmark to ensure that he gets a long term contract at an AAV of $6-$7M for 2025 and beyond, than to agree to an extension with Ottawa as part of any trade with Boston

    Even if they can't work out an extension now, Ullmark would still be better off being the starter in Ottawa versus the backup in Boston where he likely wouldn't supplant Swayman in any scenario except injury

    Ullmark and his agent know he's not in Boston's plans for 2025 and beyond, so why not set him up for the biggest AAV & term as possible by accepting a trade to either Ottawa or somewhere else & preferably signing an extension immediately?

    At some point Ullmark's agent has to wake him up to the above facts and based on reports that Ullmark is now entertaining waiving his NTC, it sure seems like common sense is beginning to take hold

    Forgot about the #7 pick in this years draft from Ottawa though


    For One, Ottawa has to forfeit their 1st round pick in either 2025 or 2026 as league punishment for the Evengni Dadonov screw up

    Secondly, Ottawa didn't draft in the 1st round in 2023 or 2022 so they kind of need as much high 1st round draft capital as they can get right now

    So again, forget about Ottawa giving up the #7 pick for Ullmark, that won't be happening

    However, here are some acceptable and or more realistic returns for Ullmark from Ottawa

    -Just the #25 pick in the 1st round of the 2024 draft and the Cap Space

    -#25 in the 1st round & Jacob Chychrun
    -#25 in the 1st round and Shane Pinto

    -Chychrun & OTT's 2nd 2024 round pick, #39
    -Pinto & OTT's 2nd 2024 round pick, #39

    -Just Chychrun
    -Just Pinto

    Turning Linus Ullmark, a player that will not be with the Bruins in 2025 or beyond and a player that is now the clear back up to Jeremy Swayman into any of the above….

    Even if it were to just be a straight up swap for either Chychrun or Pinto, would be.a HUGE WIN!!!

    I don't think the Bruins would get #25 in this draft and either Chychrun or Pinto. That seems like an overpay too unless Boston sends something else OTT's way. Not impossible but it doesn't seem very likely

    However, one of Chychrun or Pinto and the #39 pick in this year's NHL draft seems like a very reasonable return that would work for both teams

    And before someone says NJ gave up #10 for Markstrom… Wrong, The pick is Top 10 protected so no they didn't and two, Markstrom had more term on his deal than Ullmark does

    Agai , the Bruins better pray Ottawa or some other team works something out for Ullmark because if they don't he'll just be an overpaid back up that will walk for nothing as a free agent at the end of next year

    At that point he'd just serve as another asset that Don Sweeney failed to maximize a return on despite having the time and resources to do so

    So the Louis Erickson, Torey Krug and soon to be Jake Debrusk plans.

    Not moving players for assets although you have no plans to re-sign said player, than said player just walks out the door for nothing in return as a UFA

    Don Sweeney doesn't need to add another player to that crap list of his and I don't think he will

    Ottawa needs to solve their long term goal tending problem and the Bruins could help them do that while also helping themselves.

    It seems like it should happen but will it?

    Who knows but I sure hope it does. Give me just Chychrun or just Pinto in return. Adding anything else to the Ulmark deal would just be gravy at that point!!!

  3. Just heard that money figures (7 X 5; $35M) are being mentioned in regard to Ullmark on the Ottawa side…a form of concreteness. All I am seeing is a Ullmark for Chychrun swap with a low 1st rounder. The Hockey News had Chychrun looking for a big payday ($7M-$8M). (Not sure why some were mentioning the inclusion of Forsberg @ $2.75M included, as if to help out Ottawa for cap space.) Yeah, and everyone came the Bruin's rescue last year when they had none…sounds like a franchise problem. It's hard to believe that the Bruins cannot get more- during the regular season -for a number one. Stand fast.

  4. Yeah high technology my A### missed the interference call on swayman and counted the goal they missed the punch on Marchand from Bennett. High tech just both those events could of changed the outcome of the series. Go Bruins Go!!!

  5. Feeling a tad underwhelmed. Chychrun is fine, but not the type of player Boston needs. Low first rounder in this draft is like a high third rounder in other drafts. Do the swap with Philly and then give us the 12th for Ullmark. I think that's a decent price.

  6. I have no idea why boston would want chychrun? He is terrible in his own zone and was a minus 30 last year. I see why ottawa is trying to move him. Boston needs 2 centermen and pinto would be a good 2c on boston

  7. This is the second time I've seen this podcast. The first one I saw was the the Bruins should trade for Brady Tkatchuk. Now they want Shane Pinto. Guys, this will NEVER happen. This is like a podcast originating from Ottawa saying the Sens should trade for Swayman and David Pasternak for Chychrun and a 2nd and 3rd round pick. It's ridiculous!

  8. Florida is getting outcoached, outgoalied, and out skated. Edm have gotten better in every facet of the their game throughout the series and Florida has gotten worse. Oil taken the aggressive panther forecheck and turned it against them by stretching their forwards and using speed through the neutral zone. They have scored 18 goals in 3 games since they made this change. Florida has no answers for it. They are RATTLED. THEY LOST 5-1 and Connor mcdavid didn’t record a point or even a shot. Panthers are TOAST!

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