@Panthers de la Floride

Panthers de la Floride contre Oilers d’Edmonton (21/06/24) Faits saillants du match 6 de la finale de la Coupe Stanley | Saison LNH 2024

#EdmontonOilers #FloridaPanthers #PanthersvsOilers Panthers de la Floride contre Oilers d’Edmonton (21/06/24) Faits saillants du match 6 Finale de la Coupe Stanley | Saison 2024 de la LNH Oilers d’Edmonton contre Panthers de la Floride (21/06/24) Faits saillants du match 6 de la finale de la Coupe Stanley | Saison 2024 de la LNH Oilers d’Edmonton contre Panthers de la Floride Panthers de la Floride contre Oilers d’Edmonton Floride contre Edmonton Edmonton contre Floride Oilers d’Edmonton Faits saillants d’Edmonton Faits saillants d’Edmonton aujourd’hui Panthers de la Floride Faits saillants de la Floride aujourd’hui Faits saillants de la LNH Faits saillants de la LNH 2024 aujourd’hui Saison 2024 de la LNH Playoffs de la Coupe Stanley ===== ============================================== ⚾ AVIS DE NON-RESPONSABILITÉ !! TOUS LES CLIPS SONT LA PROPRIÉTÉ DE LA LNH. AUCUNE VIOLATION DU DROIT D’AUTEUR N’EST PRÉVUE. TOUS LES CLIPS SONT ÉDITÉS POUR SUIVRE LES DIRECTIVES « UTILISATION GRATUITE » DE YOUTUBE !!


  1. hockey is a game of talent specially when the reffery calls the cheap shots and the penalties, which is not always the case in the NHL. I hate to see a team like florida with big players no talent and 3-4 goons win a game and they won 3 before edmonton woke up.the problem withgoons and no talent players is that they will push and hit until thepuck happens to go in, or try to change the tempo by drwing a penalty so they can play 4 on 4 , anything to win no mater what. I hate that style of hockey. this is why i hope edmonton will win. look at that florida player hitting the edmonton goalie, this is what i mean ; WHATEVER IT TAKES, HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH HOCKEY. THATS GOON STYLE HOCKEY, BUT IN THE FINALS THE REF WISTLE STAYS IN HIS POCKET AND THE GOONS KNOW THIS. THIS IS WHY I STOPED WATCHING nhl 15 YEARS AGO. nOW IN THE LAST FEW YEARS THERE WAS ABUNCH OF NEW TRALENTS THAT CAME IN THEY ARE LIKE MAGIC FOR THE GAME ,THEN AGAIN LAST SEASON CONNOR BEDARD A MAGICIEN GOT HIS JAW BROKENBY A GOON WHO TRIED TO KILL HIM. WHAT DID THE THE LEAGUE DO? NOTHING. NOW THERE ARE 5 EXCEPTIONAL TALENTS COMING IN THE LEAGUE, WHAT WILL THE NHL DO TO PROTECT THEM? NOTHING, ITS RIDICULOUS

  2. Panthers just don’t have what it takes, they simply just aren’t ready for a cup. They need to learn how to adapt and overcome before they go extinct.

  3. The video editor, needs some ' brushing up'. 5 seconds of some info / CUTOFF = back to game…..repeat. Please, FINNISH what you Cut/paste……./ Remember '' Haste makes Waste '' whether we're driving – drinking – etc….Do it once, do it RIGHT ! Thanks, for the attemp, though !

  4. Oilers believe….they keep saying in interviews, one game at a time, and just keep loving what they are doing as a TEAM 🧡 💙 I think they really deserve Lord Stanley!

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