@Panthers de la Floride

[Andy Slater] SLATER SCOOP : Roberto Luongo devrait frapper le tambour des Panthers de la Floride avant le septième match de la finale de la Coupe Stanley ce soir, me disent plusieurs sources.

[Andy Slater] SLATER SCOOP : Roberto Luongo devrait frapper le tambour des Panthers de la Floride avant le septième match de la finale de la Coupe Stanley ce soir, me disent plusieurs sources.



  1. GordaoPreguicoso

    Playing the call of the wall that will lift Bobby to great heights today.

  2. SoFlaBarbie

    The boys are gonna do it for all those who came before them. Roberto Luongo, take my energy!

  3. TheJokersWild53

    When I saw Luongo, I thought he was strapping on the pads and shutting out Edmonton!

  4. Democracy__Officer

    Fuck yea! Beats the SNL guy someone else said was doing it

  5. DeborahMarw

    Luongo has been a rock for the Panthers, can’t wait to see what’s next!

  6. doyouunderstandlife

    Time for us to win it for Lu. Game 7 redemption

  7. purpleopus77

    Woooooooooooooooo! Looooooooooooooooo!
    Let’s go Cats!!!🐀🐀🐀🐀

  8. starwestsky

    Lu deserves this cup. This pick for the pregame drummer is A+

  9. walkenimpression

    We need some goalie solidarity tonight. Brick wall is going up.

  10. Torpedospacedance

    And will then tweet a hilarious tweet after the Oilers in of him slipping on a can of spilled oil. Honestly his twitter right after he retired was gold

  11. Ok_Artichoke_2804

    Please win it for LUUUUUUU!!!!! 


  12. KensterFox

    So we’ve had a representative from the Dolphins, a representative from the Heat, a representative from the Panthers, and… Jack Nicklaus.

    You know who should have been on the drum for Game 5? Dontrelle Willis. That man can bring some energy.

  13. I hope all the fans in the building are non stop cheering. We gotta give the team that boost.

  14. GlassWrong2091

    Let’s all together manifest all together a positive intentions a florida stanley cup have faith people ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)

  15. GlassWrong2091

    Been following florida since opening day in 1993 and I’m here to say whatever happens I’m proud of my team let’s win it for pomo

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