@Coyotes de l'Arizona

Comment l’incompétence et l’excès de confiance ont TUÉ les Coyotes de l’Arizona

Dans la dernière édition de Southwest Bias, Erik Ruby, Bo Brack et Craig Morgan plongent en profondeur dans l’histoire de mauvaise gestion et d’incompétence qui a conduit les Coyotes de l’Arizona, temporairement, à finir dans la vallée. #NHL #ArizonaCoyotes #UtahHockeyClub #Hockey #Tempe #Coyotes Abonnez-vous : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKaPEqS_Mc6eGNNBQN1QgQw Site Web : http://gophnx.com/ Casier PHNX : PHNXLocker.com Twitter social : @PHNX_Sports Instagram : @PHNX_Sports


  1. Absolutely entitled douchebags. Throwing shade at Salt Lake when you've had 28 years to get an arena? Alex Murrello is the problem? How many ownership groups couldn't get it done in such a large market? Your community voted to have a dump rather than an arena.

  2. I wish you people would get off Alex Meruelo back.

    Alex Meruelo is doing his best, and if he still believes he can bring an NHL expansion team back to Arizona, then we need to get behind him and support him. I have complete confidence in Alex Meruelo that he will bring an NHL expansion to Arizona.

  3. Having worked the games since 2008 it's sad to say but the best operator/owner of the Coyotes was the NHL. Gary Bettman is a Saint in my book for how hard he tried to keep the Coyotes in the Valley and IMO the only reason they were sold/moved is that they could no longer put up with the Meruelo group. Remember they had a 4 year contract for Mullet and were only into their second year there when the NHL saw no future with them in charge.

  4. NHL hockey will be back in Arizona, phoenix is too big of a market to not have all four professional sports. There are four other cities that are too big to not have all four such as Houston, Atlanta, and Seattle

  5. I feel for all of you in AZ, and I've been rooting for you to succeed, but serious question…..Where were the journalists calling Merulo out before this happened? It was obvious he was a flim-flam man YEARS ago, yet we received mostly cheerleading from the journos following the team.

  6. I normally like this podcast, I found it fair and balanced while the team was moving to utah. But holy shit Craig your rant about our uniforms, that grinds my gears. A) its only for a year and B) the idea that SLC doesn't have an identity? Fine I vote we become the pioneers, and ban any and all alcohol sales in the delta center and put captain moroni on every jersey, is that enough identity for you? As fot the Jazz, We'll give up the name as. soon as the Lakers gives up their name back to minnesota and we take toronto's Raptors, until then sorry, but you're shit outta luck

  7. Do we know if this land deal will be rescheduled at all or was this cancellation was a plan to screw over Alex Meruelo on purpose?

    Either way even if more groups want to purchase this land deal, how do we know this won’t happen again?

  8. The Kachina was an abomination. It was a monument to the state of Arizona’s complete disrespect for a sport that they never deserved, and duly lost

  9. I hate to inform you guys of this, but the Coyotes jerseys were universally despised and hated outside of Arizona. Like, i don't know ANYBODY who didn't make those unis the brunt of many jokes. They weren't a hockey jersey, they were a bad painting by a bad artist that nobody could understand.

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