@Bruins de Boston

Ullmark est officiellement échangé… les Bruins ont empiré

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  1. Things we need: Offense
    Things we got: Great goalies, depth players
    Things we traded for: A ho-hum goalie, a depth player

  2. I think Korpi can turn it around in Boston. The retained 25% is good. Hopefully Sweeny just locked up our number 2 for 3mil a year for the next several years.

  3. Ullmark was a very good goalie. People blame him for last year but remember he played injured. Swaymen while good he still had 3 loses against Florida. I dont think much of this trade.

  4. I’m going to hope that they knew what he was doing. The Stanley Cup finals just goes to prove that you can’t believe in anything!

  5. Is it just me, or does Sweeny under value his own players and over values other teams players. The Bruins are worse

  6. you guys cant keep both goalies and you need to resign swayman. two goalies making starter money is not a good thing

  7. This trade makes me feel like i lost my self-control and bought one of those 10$ chocolate chip cookies at Quincy market and it turned out to be stale and only have four chocolate chips.

  8. As a Sens fan I'm so happy, but I have have to apologize about Korpi. We had a 26-7-3 record when our save percentage was at least .880% last year, Korpi was legit a huge reason we stunk. Boston is a much better team, far superior defensively so maybe he looks better but man the dude looked lost last year.

  9. As a sens fan, I think staios is doing a good job. I am supprise how the deal is. I know we want the ullmark, but it is real a good deal.

  10. It's a good haul for Bruins, surely the best that was available. They got some cap space, a good draft pick, a goalie who was great a couple of seasons ago and has potential to bounce back with less workload and a decent bottom six forward.

  11. As a Sens fan, i was fairly excited. Obviously

    Korpi was so awful this year, almost the entire fanbase wanted him gone. Personally, i would have been happy with getting rid of him (didn't think anyone would touch him with that contract), and signing one of the different backup goalies available in free agency. To land the reigning goalie of the year? Couldn't have imagined this scenario a month ago…

    As for Kasty? Seems like a great dude. Amazing faceoff guy. He'll stick up for his teammates. He literally seems too nice of a guy to play the way you'd want him to play. Maybe someone in Boston will get the best out of him

    A few months ago, i upgraded to a full season ticket package for next year. This trade made me considerably happier about that decision!

  12. As a Sens fan I'm very happy and very surprised this happened.. I thought we'd have to give up a 2nd and retain way more than 25% for someone to take Korpi's contract… I totally understand Bruins fans frustration here cause the Sens have been fleeced a bunch of times in the Dorion era

  13. What. The. Fuck! What is this trade?!?! The whole point to getting rid of ullmark was to free up more cap room and not waiste 5 mill to ride the bench all playoffs and now they pay slightly less for a terrible goalie this off season couldn’t of started worse I’m devastated

  14. Sweeney is an imbecile. Now folks just wait till free agency july 1st because theres more 36 year olds coming our way. Its gonna be backes and beleskey part 2.

  15. They can buy out the goalie or trade him. This was a solid trade and probably only got a 24 first for taking him.

  16. I actually love this trade for the Bruins.

    Let me explain….
    Korpi can be a decent goalie, with retained salary, backing up swayman, its not impossible to believe that with the B's defense he will do better, he will also have a more manageable workload. Im also not a fan of the defensive structure he played behind in ottawa. (Ottawa had piss poor defense)

    Ulmark in my view maybe a tad overrated, i saw him play in the playoffs and i wasnt sold on him as a clutch performer.
    So i think the bruins sold high on a goalie with a good thing going for him and if put in ottawa, im not certain he could be as good as he was in boston.

    The first is also big for the bruins, plus i like kastelic, fourth line guy, with some toughness, and young. Its all a plus.

  17. Attention Bruins fans! We all got slapped with a giant dose of reality. We look at Ullmark as one of the best goalies in the NHL. Unfortunately, the rest of the league sees something different. They see a soon-to-be 31 year old veteran who lost his job to a kid. Did I want a better return? Yes of course like everyone else. However we did get the 25th pick in this year's draft. Way, way back in 2014 we used the 25th pick to select some prospect named Pasternak.

  18. they genuinely couldve just traded Ullmark for the first and i wouldve been happier, instead we got a dead weight goalie thats pretty much taking the same cap space as Ullmark was. If we just waited a few more days i think we couldve traded him to Edmonton with a player for RNH. Just sucks that our pick is during a year where there really isnt much past the first couple picks, the rest is legit just a crapshoot.

    So we traded the pick to detroit, and they sent it to Ottawa, so we essentially gave up Ullmark so that bertuzzi can play for the leafs, a garbage backup, and a guy that cant even crack Ottawa's line up, the 25th isnt included since it was ours to begin with

  19. Should have just kept ullmark not like Bruins are good at drafting.. although wasn’t Pasta around 25? But that is a 1 in a 1000 shot to get at 25

  20. Kastelic will help this team. im glad they didnt get chicory. wait this out. sweeney can flip the assets.

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