@Sénateurs d'Ottawa

ANALYSE INSTANTANÉE – Linus Ullmark échangé aux Sénateurs d’Ottawa ! avec Steve Dangle

Linus Ullmark a été échangé des Bruins de Boston aux Sénateurs d’Ottawa en échange du 25e choix au total, Mark Kastelic et Joonas Korpisalo étant retenus à 25 %. Qui a gagné l’affaire ? Steve Dangle réagit à l’accord à succès conclu juste avant le septième match de la finale de la Coupe Stanley. Pour les demandes de renseignements générales, envoyez un courriel : info@sdpn.ca Contactez https://www.sdpn.ca/sales pour entrer en contact avec notre équipe de vente et discuter de l’opportunité d’intégrer votre marque dans notre contenu !


  1. If Gary Bettman wants all trades to happen after the SC final, then perhaps think about finishing the hockey season 2 weeks ago ffs 🙄

  2. If you were to ask me a week ago what Ottawa would’ve had to give up to dump Korpisalo’s contract I woulda said a 1st + another pick/prospect at minimum. Probably would’ve had to take bad money back as well.

    They somehow got out of the contract while only adding in Kastelic (an ok 4C) and they managed to get the reigning Vezina winner in return?!?

    Even if Ullmark walks as a UFA this is still a big win from a Sens perspective. Goaltending was the biggest issue last year and Ullmark has been consistently good since his days in Buffalo. So you get him for 1year, and also dump your worst contract onto a divisional rival.

    Even if the Sens blow next year they can trade Ullmark at 50% before the deadline and probably recoup most of this value. Just a home run for Staois in his first big move

    I fully expect Korpisalo to bounce back in someway next year. Hard to be worse than arguably the worst goalie last year. Kastelic also seems like a prototypical Bruin as well. Big, physical, solid defensively, and will punch you in the mouth.

  3. To me, when picking up Ullmark, they traded 3 pieces that are replaceable. Crossing my fingers that the goalie graveyard does not claim another victim.

  4. This happened because of Ullmarks no movement clause. He wanted to go to Ottawa and so Boston had to take what they could get.

  5. Ullmark off to the goalie graveyard. 😄. No extension in place and giving up a 1st rder for a goalie? That rarely happens. Koroisalo will be the most improved player next year in front of that Boston defense.

  6. I think Boston comes out on top. They were not going to be able to afford the price of two bonified starters. They propped up the value of both their goalies and now shipped one out for a good return.

  7. I was hoping Kevyn Adams would bring Ullmark back to Buffalo but it’s clear they’re going in a different direction. Dunno where though but I’m afraid I’m terribly familiar with it.

  8. It’s impossible to say who won or lost without seeing how the players perform, but my predictions are:

    Ullmark plays well in Ottawa. .908+

    Korpisalo struggles in Boston but improved marginally .900~

    Sweeney uses the draft pick and reaches for a center, who will have a projected ceiling of a bottom six center, and he becomes another studnicka or Beecher

    Kastelic we already know… add him to the list of bottom six centers on the bruins, he’s probably 8-10 in the bottom six center depth chart after Coyle, Zacha, Poitras, Geekie, Beecher, Boqvist, Frederic etc.

  9. If you are Boston, question is if you think your goaltending is still good enough to make the playoffs (which it clearly is)…. and then, do you have a playoff caliber goalie to make a run (which they do).

    For Ottawa, i don't know. Do they have anyone coming up in the prospect pool that is close? Im assuming if they do they think that player is 1-2 years away from being a reliable backup, and then can take over as a starter in about 3-5? So you look to lock in Ullmark with an extension? I just don't follow Ottawa closely enough to understand how this firs into their plans beyond this upcoming season.

  10. Hasn't been good in the playoffs but not like that's something to worry about when your teams dogass and can't make the playoffs anyways 😂😂😂😂

  11. As a Sens fan, I like this move. Ullmark is the most talented goalie the Sens have ever had. I also think the price was acceptable for him.

  12. I see that different. Korpisalo even at 3m is not a good contract. That`s for 4 more years, a guy that failed to be a starter and might not even be a premium backup.
    For that you get Ullmark, a guy who`s a season away from a venizan, and stellar 93.8 SV% with lower than 2gaa in almost 50 games.
    Honestly, Korpisalo had 0 value, it was rather a buyout with his numbers.
    The player is a depth player that`s worth close to nothing and their own 1st.

    I`m not at all impressed of the return the Bruins got for one of the best available goalies.

  13. I think this is horrible for Ottawa. It’s a desperation move to address a problem with an old goalie who was the #2 is a great defensive system. Sure they got rid of Korpasalo’s contract, but at the cost of a 1st pick? They retained on Korpi too!! Ullmark doesn’t have an extension either. Supposedly Ottawa wasn’t on Ullmark no trade list, but what if he doesn’t want to stay there?

  14. Both teams got what they wanted.

    Ullmark will dip in Ottawa.

    Bruins will still have a decent goaltending tandem at a slightly lower cap cost. Plus they had some depth and pick/trade asset for Friday's draft.

  15. And again a very good goalie wins a cup …I mean it's not rocket science folks u need a stud goalie to have a real chance to win a cup …not saying skinner sucks just bob was better

  16. Ullmark's NMC was always going to tank the value from the Bruin's perspective. Eliminating half of the NHL as trade partners would more than halve his potential value (something something Pareto principle). Two roleplayers and a late 1st is honestly more than I expected the Bruins would get in return. I wouldn't be surprised to see an extension quickly too.

  17. I wonder if teams will now be even more likely to offer sheet swayman, if for nothing else, than to drive his price up for the Bruins.

  18. As a Bruins fan. I feel betrayed. I loved watching them both.

    Also very sad about the hug. The Goalie Hug. It was iconic.

    Plus. Bruins had Bussi as a potential goalie, down in Providence. We also have DiPietro.

    We got weaker. We definitely got weaker. Unless this pick is shown to be someone with potential. A dynamic scorer.

    Bruins got fleeced.

  19. For me this just makes no sense. Bruins have Bussi who has been the best ahl goalie for most of the last two seasons. We just don’t need korpisalo. Honestly would’ve been better off just keeping him until a team gets plagued by injuries and gets desperate

  20. The Bruins did well in this trade:

    (a) They got a return for someone (Ullmark) who they didn't really need, i.e., they didn't need to pay a starter backing up another starter so they got rid of one of those starters for assets they can actually use properly.

    (b) They got a really good backup goalie (Korpisalo) who will now flourish since he's playing in front of a team that actually knows how to play good team D.

    (c) They got a player (Kastelic) who strongly fits a 4th line role and plays a style that Boston can use both in the regular season and playoffs.

    (d) Boston gets another good pick in the draft (25th overall). While Steve says this is really a glorified 2nd round, Boston should be able to find a good role for whoever they end up picking

    How did Ottawa do?

    (1) Ottawa gets to hope that Ullmark saves their bacon more often than they saw their goaltenders do last year: more grade A saves will be seen this year if Ottawa's team D continues to struggle.

    (2) Ottawa frees up $12 million of cap space (from the Korpisalo contract) albeit they will have to eat $4 million in dead cap space.

    (3) Ottawa needs to think about how and if they can sign Ullmark to a long-term deal. Presumably, if they were giving up long-term assets (Korpi, a signable Kastelic and a 25th overall pick) they would like to have Ullmark signed long-term, a proven #1 goaltender in this league.

    My 2 cents:

    Not having Ullmark signed long-term as part of the deal is a red flag for me (from the Ottawa perspective). In the past, Ottawa has had player additions (e.g., Duchene and DeBrincat) refuse to sign with the team so why did Ottawa upper management not assure themselves of their long-term control over this newly acquired asset?

    Even if Ullmark does sign long-term with the team how well will Ullmark perform in front of Ottawa's poor D? My guess is he will improve the team but his save percentage will be far poorer than what he had in Boston. I believe he will be an upgrade over Korpisalo and Forsberg but I'm not sure he will be any better than what Ottawa had in Talbot or Gustavsson. I mention Gustavsson because that is who Ottawa had before the team decided to embark on a series of trades, now ending up with the team acquiring Ullmark.

    From the Boston perspective, the Bruins get an A grade from the deal.

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