@Canadiens de Montréal

La finale de la Coupe Stanley vient de se terminer dans un CHAOS TOTAL…

Les Panthers de la Floride ont remporté la Coupe Stanley après avoir battu les Oilers d’Edmonton 2-1 lors du septième match de la finale de la Coupe Stanley pour terminer la saison de cette année dans la LNH ! Connor McDavid est parti inutile, Matthew Tkachuk et Aleksander Barkov ont eu le dernier mot, et maintenant les Panthers ont remporté leur première coupe de l’histoire de la franchise ! Twitter : https://twitter.com/DeanerHd


  1. I wonder what the turnout will be from Oiler fans in this video in comparison to the past few days 🧐

  2. @Deanerhd not sure why your vids are coming up into my recomended. Commentary is noj existent. Just frothing at the mouth over the oilers lose. Can't believe i just wasted 5 minutes of my life sruck on this Chanel.
    For anyone else who unfortunately found themselves here please check out the hockeyguy, johnny hockey, hockey phsycology or eck. Way better chanels.

  3. We are the Brad Marchand of fans. Nobody like us are able to get under the skin of not only fans but so called analysis guys to make that joke Luke Gazdic losing his starting lineup on SN…..that makes me laugh

  4. Y’all Non American teams are fked


    Ps it looks like Bettman is making a Wall- I mean a team in China MNYESS!!! Lets roo Rooilers

  5. Did you hear the one about Kopitar, Crosby and Stamkos?

    They went over to McDiver's house for some drinks, BUT HE HAD NO CUPS


  6. I live in Edmonton and was absolutely fuming when when Edmonton lost, but to be fair Florida definitely came out more hungry and won fair and square, as much as I hate to admit it. I love the oiler's, and always will, but come on, yeah Canada hadn't won a cup since 1993, but neither has Florida. They've been a team for only 10 years less than Edmonton but Edmonton has won 5 cups, Florida won their first. Yeah I'm upset, and will still remain a devoted oiler's fan, but i gotta be happy for and respect to Florida with this win.

  7. as a flames fan im so happy they lost, and FLA and their guys won their first cup!
    oiler fans are so obnoxious, and the media has been glazing them since they lost to SJ and were bottom of the league…

  8. Sometimes it's hope that kills 😂

    Oilers got hope again, only to lose it anyway lol

    Tbh, their journey should have ended in the Vancouver series… They simply benefited from the Canuck's injuries…

  9. Ive been a Panthers fan my entire life, Im 34, and this was the absolute worst and the best game I've ever watched.

  10. Bro people were chirping you because you report on hockey with an incredible bias and then spewing your salty bullshit over the canuck loss. Having a prediction is one thing but your saltiness ruins ANY opinion you have.

    People weren't chirping you for having a prediction , people were chirping you over your clear butthurt loss to the oilers. Stop trying to spin it as something it wasnt, you can still hear the salt in your voice for the canucks losing.

    As MANY MANY others have said, your clear saltiness for the canucks losing and bias is why you got clapback. As a canucks fan you make us look bad, cut the shit.

  11. Oiler fans was talking so much crap and all the biasness from espn being a panther fan for 22 years all the heart breaks and playoff misery it was all worth it we are the CHAMPIONS WOOOOOO

  12. Are you a FL fan because if you are this video is despicable. Gloating against the team that lost the Cup. No way you could be because those FL fans experienced losing the cup last year and I doubt they would act this way. My team has lost the cup before and as a fan it is devastating but unlike you and your canucks team my team experienced winning it the following year 😉. I guess Karma comes in play.

  13. VINDICATION!!!! I was rooting for edmonton for the history but i was dreading dealing with oilers fans after such an accomplishment backing them up lol

  14. Congrats to the Panthers ,awesome an Oiler fan I would like to say I'm proud of our team they had z great run can't wait for next year!

  15. Gary is so happy the Panthers won the Stanley cup. Thx to him and the referee in the game 7 to not make the calls in favor of Florida

  16. Deaner, you're a CANUCKS fan. You have nothing to be boastful about, you're fanbase is annoying, your city's fans burnt Vancouver to the ground over a game 7 loss, you have no real hockey history in Couv, worst fans in hockey, Casucks suck every single year, you're team lost to the losing team in the Finals, Whitney is right, you guys SUCK ASS! You're teams most famous moment is Todd Bertuzzi almost murdering Steve Moore for Christ's sake.

  17. I just realized, the oilers fans are going to be CLOWNED ON for how much they glazed the Oilers. Its going to be funny asf to see the clowning.

  18. Actually true, Oilers fans are the most confident and cockiest people on earth when they are winning, but god damn when they lose they hide underground (kinda like that tbh, some fans becomes so god damn toxic every time they lose).

  19. I’ve never seen Matthew T to be that excited lol
    Congratulations Panthers for winning the cup! @DeanerHD, See you next your man!

  20. Oilers will be cup contenders next year again they only won 2 to 1oilers were the far better team Florida s brand of Hockey is boring depending on your goal tender again to win a game last year shit did you even win a game in cup final against Vegas the joke explayer at start another washed up big mouth

  21. LOVE the tears! So salty and delicious At least Mc Overrated got a participation trophy for getting COMPLETLY shut down for 4 games. Lord Stanley will love his Florida suntan.

  22. I told you I told you get out of hear with that b.s anyone could have picked winner braging about it shows that hey man I'm the best I picked FLORIDA

  23. Im pretty sure canucks fans are literally a meme at this point because of how obnoxious they are. Its literally everyone saying the same thing about you guys, not even oilers.

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