@Red Wings de Détroit

Gores se soucie-t-il de Détroit ? Pourquoi Tellum est-il ici ? | Costa et Jansen

Jim et John ne sont toujours pas convaincus que Gores soit vraiment là pour gagner. Il aime peut-être simplement posséder des choses. #pistons #nba #basketball Écoutez en direct : https://www.audacy.com/971theticket/listen Visitez notre site internet : https://971theticket.com Abonnez-vous sur Twitch : https://twitch.tv/971theticket Suivez-nous sur Twitter : https://twitter.com/971theticketxyt Aimez-nous sur Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/971theticketxyt/


  1. As a Detroit fan, the only recent successful rebuild I have seen are the Lions, so I tend to use it to judge all other attempts. What is the new Pistons philosophies (Lions have grit, nailing the draft beyond the first round, leaning on Speilman and having former stars, grit, rewarding play with extensions, Calvin and Barry, around the program, etc.) What is the Pistons plan?

  2. Gores doesn't give 2 💩 about Detroit and it shows how the organization is ran, and coached. Gores has miraculously transformed into the old William Clay Ford lol.

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