@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Les dernières nouvelles sur Mitch Marner avec Frank Seravalli | Podcast JD Bunkis

Frank Seravalli, initié de la LNH et président du contenu hockey pour Daily Faceoff, partage les dernières nouvelles sur l’intersaison des Maple Leafs et la suite des événements pour Mitch Marner. ————————————————— 📺 http:/ /sportsnetplus.ca – Diffusez en direct sur Sportsnet+ 💻 http://www.sportsnet.ca – Plus de nouvelles et de faits saillants sur Sportsnet.ca https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVhibwHk4WKw4leUt6JfRLg https://www.facebook.com /sportsnet https://twitter.com/sportsnet https://www.instagram.com/sportsnet/ https://www.tiktok.com/@sportsnet ————— ——————————- Sportsnet est le réseau sportif numéro 1 au Canada. Votre maison pour les derniers moments forts, les dernières nouvelles sportives, des interviews approfondies d’athlètes, des podcasts de pointe, des diffusions en direct et bien plus encore. Ne manquez pas un seul but marquant, un énorme home run, un dunk exceptionnel ou une fin de combat choquante. Obtenez des informations exclusives et des informations de pointe sur le secteur avec un accès inégalé. Apprenez à connaître une autre facette de vos superstars sportives préférées dans des interviews comiques uniques et décalées. Sportsnet est le guichet unique pour le fan qui sommeille en chacun de nous. ———————————————- #LNH #Hockey #Feuilles d’érable


  1. Run it back, they blew it ( tree living)last year by not trading him, evevyone for years have said you need a goalie and a defender, but the leafs know better than us minions ,

  2. Seravalli is out to lunch, the best value for Marner is to sign him to an 8 yr deal with a ten team no trade list, play him next year and deal him next summer.

  3. Matthews is the one that needs to go! He will never lead the team to anyplace but the golf course!! Mitch wants to win a cup so please trade me lol
    This is why for over 50 years ZERO cups!
    Moving the wrong players!! *McDavid took a pay cut and look at them now! Matthews NOPE give me more money!!*

  4. If he goes to Nashville I hope the return package includes Askarov not Saros,especially with Wolls new price. Get ahead of the cap with a blue chip goalie. Marner and Liljegren for Askarov, Fabbro and a 2025 2nd.

  5. Lmao who actually believes in Frank Seravalli? The guy is the biggest fraud out there 😂😂😂😂

  6. Vissa svenskarvär eädda för sina utlänska kompisar Inte alla men måmga som deras bra utlänska vänervmed är men jobbar på bätre sätt

  7. Var ute var tvungrn äta för människor inte förståt mig så va där en bra nörk kille sim prominera en svinig kille i bil Ja säger gubbe när de frågar följ med mig sp sa jag stick Tänkte dra åt helvete Villor Hörde nog De börjar vakna så en annan bil kom akrek är det du i bilrn sim villw jag sjulle åka med dig så dra åt helvwte Han sa inget körde lungt vidare

  8. Marner is an elite player in the league and is not walking next year. He plans on being with Matthews his whole career if they let him. I no long take anything Seravalli says seriously.

  9. Well Ottawa just got a hell of a lot better. Really thought the leafs were gonna try hard for Boston’s stud goalie!!

  10. The main problem is you guys think MM is a Top 15 player in the league😂 and everyone else in the league is laughing at your assessment of talent. You should have let MM walk and signed Zack Hymen

  11. Marner exposed himself to be a smug brat with little self awareness. Trade his figure skating butt for whatever you can get. He's soft when you need him most. He can go twirl somewhere else.

  12. Raptors just paid Scotty Barnes $ 54 Million a year X 5 years. I wonder if Mitch can dunk ? Mitch is not getting $13 Million anywhere in the NHL. If he choses one of the 6 teams with no State Tax, he might net the same.

  13. Time to for a shot of reality for MM. Sign at the Maple leaf condition or next year send him to the minors and then we will see what team wants to pay is current salary?????.

  14. This season doesn't matter even if they magically get to round 2. The following season does as they will have a lot of cap space to work with and bring in the players they need and let the softies go. Marner and his agent are playing games and I think they will lose. You good play games with him like the press box, third or fourth line. I even wonder if he watched the Final series? Not one of the players on either team backed down from being hit and digging in the trenches. Hopefully, he did and learned what it takes to win the Cup. The question about Marner is will he ever be wiling to do that?

  15. I think Treliving will easily find multiple teams who will trade for Marner and offer him the $12M to $13M by 8 years extension he is looking for. He could even be the Captain of another team. And, I think Marner would waive his No Trade Claws for that.

  16. The Leafs will have to find a team willing to give Marner a 13 million dollar on a year long term contract with a NMC for him to go.
    The Leafs also can't abuse Marner or why would a free agent trust the NMC from Toronto.
    The Leafs gave up their ability to manage assets when they allowed the NMC to kick in.

  17. By playing out his contract – Marner has more power if he just negotiates at the end of his contract. Mitch owes nothing to the Leafs Executives and Leaf Fans at the end of next season. The situation is the same as when JT was back with NYI. 😀

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