@Panthers de la Floride

Qu’est-ce qui a changé lors du septième match qui a permis à la Floride de remporter la Coupe Stanley ? | Jay sur SC

Après avoir perdu trois matchs consécutifs, les Panthers se sont imposés lors du septième match pour battre les Oilers et remporter leur première Coupe Stanley de l’histoire de la franchise. Cheryl Pounder, analyste de TSN Hockey, et Craig Button, directeur du dépistage de TSN, se joignent à SC avec Jay Onrait pour discuter de la façon dont les Panthers ont réussi à remporter la victoire après que la série semblait s’essouffler, de la performance de Stuart Skinner lors du match 7 et de ce que l’avenir nous réserve. pour les Oilers, l’héritage de Connor McDavid et bien plus encore.


  1. Don’t forget Sid Crosby came back in the playoffs to beat the red wings as a really young player! Not to mention he won the gold medal OT winner 🏆!!! Connor mcdavid still has to win a cup to even be discussed in the the greats category!🤷🏻‍♂️

  2. How great are the Panthers, they beat the team with the best hockey player on the planet, shutting him down. Drysockets head hunt cheap shot on Barkov showed what this team really is. Enjoy your stolen loser trophy!

  3. Panthers started playing how they've played all season. They forgot how to Panther for a few games . When the Panthers play their game NOBODY beats them 🐀🐀🐀🐀

  4. The Oilers broke what they were doing. Bring family for game 7, hurt them just like it did for Panthers! Lesson learned I hope!

  5. The Best that TSN could do….A Clown that interviews a successful WOMENS Olympic hockey player with no NHL experience, when there a thousand ex NHL players that have experienced the grind, and a full of himself never played the game, cant even figure out how to put on socks curly haired know it all… Good Luck keeping your audience!!!

  6. So by their logic Connor McDavid was a passenger game 6 and 7? That doesn't make any sense. He play incredible throughout the playoffs and unfortunately they had to be a loser in the game and Connor could easily be hoisting the cup as well as the Panthers

  7. Edmonton looked lethargic, playing at half the pace of the prior games. Even the announcers saying they looked 'Gassed' – no intensity. What happened?

  8. I have to say Tkachuk was a pretty big disappointment this series. Only 3 points through 7 games and his physical play was completely absent. I imagine he was injured but I am surprised that the Panthers pulled it off without him performing at his usual pace.

  9. McDavid is great but to put him in a Gretzky , Mario,or Bossy league is crazy. At least not yet. He would need to be another level before putting him in the conversation with those guys.

  10. Let’s be honest. It is extremely hard to win 4 in a row. Also I might be in the minority, but accept for the fact that is was a close game until the end I thought it was a lame game and a lame winning goal.

  11. Nothing changed. Florida was the better team and didn't fall into the trap of trying to go end to end against Edmonton, in game seven, like they had in games four through six. They were more disciplined and Edmonton's best players couldn't get it done… or simply ran out of gas. Playing McDavid 25+ mins a night is going to wear him down and increase the risk of injury now that he's getting older.

  12. Edmonton was a very flawed team all year – super inconsistent. Goes on an incredible win streak and plays like the worst team in the league for streaks. They were actually in the middle and not championship material. They were not real contenders – this was a classic cinderella run. They got lucky against teams with injuries (Dallas and Vancouver) and went on one last run to force game 7 while Florida choked.

  13. Zero points in game 6 and 7. When McDavid gets back to the cup finals he won’t let that happen again. The GOATs show up in game 7s.

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