@Coyotes de l'Arizona

Les propriétaires des Coyotes de l’Arizona renoncent OFFICIELLEMENT à garder le hockey en Arizona !

#arizona #DavidSamson #nhl MERCH : – Visitez : davidsamsonpodcast.com AUDIO « Nothing Personal » est disponible sur Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, l’application Audacy et partout où vous écoutez des podcasts. -LAISSEZ un avis 5 étoiles sur Apple Podcasts : https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/nothing-personal-with-david-samson/id1483011704 -DIFFUSEZ sur Spotify : https://open.spotify.com /show/15gYsXoV81ySg2kBCzamC0?si=5o2-ofBoSG2Uw7ycnFep3Q MÉDIAS SOCIAUX -SUIVEZ NPDS sur TikTok : https://www.tiktok.com/@nothingpersonal.npds -SUIVEZ NPDS sur Twitter : https://twitter.com/DavidPSamson -SUIVEZ NPDS sur Instagram : https://instagram.com/DavidPSamson -REJOIGNEZ DISCORD : https://discord.gg/FjGAjYxcQx Document de suivi : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jl_qRYCA04IqNp-pmcfGQoaF6rA_7f4RigR1ZPY7dQo/edit?usp= partage


  1. This info was dumped directly during the direct aftermath of a Stanley Cup win.

    Meruello? This is peak idiocy and perfect.

  2. the NHL Has To Many Teams!!! If they cut out 6 teams, the Weakest Ticket Sales. The Quality of Game play in the NHL would rise by 40% . with Less players to pick from, Teams don't need to Hire the " Skates to Fill" ( Players who should Never be in the NHL) and have Better competition between Team because of More Skilled Players. !!

  3. This is what owner hatred gets you. John Fisher leaves Oakland for Sacramento. Alex Meruelo sells his team to Utah and walks away with $1B. Oakland will never have an MLB team again. It will take DECADES before AZ has an NHL team. YOU helped it happen. Instead of helping fans keep their teams you poured gas on the fire telling them to damage their own teams because their owners weren't worthy. Are you happy now?

  4. Meruello didn't hire a Zoning lawyer? For a proposed 2B$ project?

    Come on, this guy was never, ever getting this done. Don't blame the council.

  5. Come on David, Alex is not a developer. There are several permits required for any developer. Alex did obtain a permit, but it was the wrong permit. He got one for a sports venue of 5,000 people or less. Not one for 20,000. You were in this industry. If you and your owners sold the Marlins to Montreal and MLB promised you a team in 5 years would that really happen? This was the dumbest story ever. I thank Alex and the NHL for not leading the 10,000 Coyotes fans on and just ending all hope right away.

  6. Of course Muerelo, being the lone bidder, didn't have his ducks lined up in a row for the land auction. I highly doubt that the Council didn't give him advance notice, and even if they didn't then he should have done the research in order to make sure that he had everything that he needed for the auction.

    Everything he did since buying that team in 2019 involved him half-assing things and attempting to spend the least amount of money possible (including skipping out on paying rent, vendors, and employees). He's worth more than $2B by the way…

  7. I don't know if Meruelo is at fault.. or if the state of AZ is.. not part to the talks.. but one thing I do know.. that 5 year window probably played into his decision. Whether the state screwed him over and changed their tune and he started a lawsuit.. or if he failed to get the permit (hell, could have worked to get it while they build for the land use.. ) when he should have… to deal with either one is probably going to take years.. years where nothing is happening at the site… and that 5 year target getting closer and closer.. I think he could have battle.. but in the end.. lost the war.. 5 year exceeded.. At the end of the day.. irregardless of fault.. it's no longer worth it. Let the fans tell their politico's just what they think of it.

  8. A private buyer can petition the sale of a School Trust Land in most Western States, IF the land is on a "subject to disposal" list. However, once the School Trust Land Board decides to sell, the land goes to public auction and the original petitioner can be and often is outbid. As reported in several places, when land is petitioned to be brought to sale, the Arizona lands board must be assured that the proposed use of the land is in harmony with the mission of the School Trust Lands managed by the Arizona State Land Department. From their website: "Since ASLD's inception, its mission has been to manage the State's Land Trust and to generate maximum revenues, through prudent planning decisions for the Beneficiaries." When all of the bids are in, the board is obligated to pick the winner that GENERATES MAXIMUM REVENUES. The Arizona land board was right and even helpful to Meruello by postponing the auction to allow his team to get their act together – which is 100% the purchaser's burden. This is a prime piece of land – the auction price was going to go up and up. He NEVER had a guarantee of winning.

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