@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Les Leafs ont une ÉNORME opportunité…

Nick Gosse et Darius Domingues expliquent que les Maple Leafs de Toronto ont une énorme opportunité alors que des rumeurs récentes suggèrent qu’un grand mouvement pourrait être à venir, et discutent des Leafs finalisant leur équipe d’entraîneurs avec un mouvement sournois. 0:00 Nouvelles des Maple Leafs de Toronto 0:44 Les Leafs embauchent Marc Savard 4:29 Les Leafs ont une opportunité MASSIVE… Rejoignez cette chaîne pour avoir accès aux avantages : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_EUKCfhWZLk0dX4XxQaZIA/join


  1. Robertson will never be a consistent top line player. He is just to easy to move off the puck and that would be amplified at playoff time. Minten could prove to be a very good 3rd line player for years to come that could even take on 2nd line minutes in a pinch. I would be more inclined to move Robertson and maybe Liligren and the pick for McGroarty. Justbwary about losing Minten, who could become a great shut down guy with offensive upside. Definitely tome.for Robertson to move on though.

  2. Not willing to part with Minten if Im the Leafs. I'd be more willing to do Liljegren and Robertson plus the 24' first round pick for Mcgroarty and the 37th pick.

    Jets need D and Liljegren is more than serviceable they would also get a scoring winger which they could need if they are trading out Ehlers, and then they are moving up 13 spots in the draft.

  3. Is this all Leafs can offer? Just 2 lower tier prospects and low 1st? Habs can easily top this offer or can go much higher. Habs has few NHL ready right hand Ds which is exactly what Jets want in return. Habs can easily throw in a better forward prospect than these Leafs offered. Habs has a lot 1st 2nd 3rd round picks to offer.

  4. This is not only an overpay it's an overpay * 2 Robertson alone might be okay but throwing in a bunch of other stuff is an overpay on an overpay. This guy has not played one second in the NHL

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