@Oilers d'Edmonton

VÉRIFICATION DE LA COUPE 2024 : Match 7 – Le chat est dans le sac – Oilers 1, Panthers 2

Steve Dangle récapitule et analyse le match 7 de la finale de la Coupe Stanley entre les Panthers de la Floride et les Oilers d’Edmonton. DEVENEZ UN VIP SDP ! https://www.youtube.com/sdpn/join SDPN : https://www.sdpn.ca/ ANNONCER AVEC NOUS ! https://sdpn.ca/sales/ SDPN DISCORD : https://discord.com/invite/MtTmw9rrz7 LIVRE : https://bit.ly/2I9hmWP LIVRE AUDIO : https://bit.ly/2GIgYya phoques de PÂQUES : https https://t.co/DVbMNTS1IL


  1. I know Steve Dangle has somewhat built his brand around being a raging fan, but honestly, I find some of his takes to be a bit stupid.

    Here he says that no one remembers the runner-up in a Stanley cup final. What is he smoking?? Tell that to a Canuck’s fan regarding 1994 and 2011, or to a Hab’s fan for 2021, or to a Dutch soccer fan for 1974, 1978, and 2010. The 2024 Oilers playoff run was definitely a memorable one, just like in 2007.

    Frankly, these were the most memorable nhl playoffs in a long time, as far as I’m concerned. Not sure what the point was of that comment by Steve. Oilers fans are so proud of their team. His comment feels like projection, and I have to remember that he’s a Maple Leafs fan, with everything that entails – for him, a lot of negativity I guess?

    Fans definitely remember memorable runs, and 2024 was certainly memorable. Weird take, Steve

  2. 17:28 – "…he will never lay a finger on the Conn Smythe."

    When the replica arrives at his house, he'll probably go straight to the nearest closet, and stick it in there, still in the unopened box that it came in.

  3. Avs fan here. Kulikov was definitely my favorite player this whole game. He was always in the right spot and fighting for that win. Unsung hero IMO

  4. Mcdavid didn't score a point in 4 of these games. Yes he had a ton of assists these playoffs….. and a spurt of points in game 4 and 5 this round….That was bobs trophy even if McDavid is the best player in the world right now. Bob beat him

  5. Bobby won his sheriff's badge and can retire happy now. And hopefully get into the HOF too! I hope he has a long career in the NHL after he hangs up his jersey. And come on, 2-1 final score with the last few seconds up against the boards?? What a Panterian thing to do to win game 7, good Lord.

  6. “It seems like a foregone conclusion the oilers were going to finish this thing……”

    Who the hell thought that?

    As soon as the pressure was back on, the oilers choked. Notice hockey Jesus was no where to be seen in a cup winning game


  7. 16:40 While I agree I will say there is a line that exists. I believe it was Sweden who finshed 2nd in the world juniors one year and a kid threw his silver medal away. So when does it become unsportsmanlike?

  8. Steve I know you've been really doubling down on the "no ones gonna remember the florida panthers almost lost" but I don't think that's true.

    This was only the third time this scenario has occurred in Stanley Cup Final history. It is historical despite Oilers failing to pull it off. So while I don't think the phrasing will be "Panthers almost choked haha!" 3 years from now, it will still be "wow that was a crazy thing that is a statistical anomaly in the NHL. People don't forget epics things like this. It's the reason people still talk about Djokovic and Federer 2019 Wimbledon when Federer had him 40-15. It was simply historical, regardless of the result not happening in the way that would have "solidified" something.

  9. I really enjoyed this series of posts in cup check, but I have to disagree with you on one point. You say that no one will remember this in several years, that they won’t remember that Edmonton came back from three nothing to force a game seven, the only thing people will remember is that the Florida Panthers won the Stanley Cup. But you’re wrong. And it reflects such a Toronto-centric viewpoint, (and I’m a Toronto boy saying this) and it’s one of the reasons why so many people in Canada hate Toronto sportscasters and sports pundits. For the people in Edmonton, this was a huge event, a seismic shift in the fortunes of the city both in terms of sports and in terms of its entire economy, culture and sensibility. The fact that Connor McDavid almost single-handedly brought the team back, out of the wilderness, was a remarkable event. It also united the country, (yes, there were exceptions, of course) to cheer for the Oilers as Canada‘s team. I live in Vancouver now and despite the fact that a lot of Vancouver fans hate the Oilers and hated them for defeating them in the playoffs, there was so much support for that team and people really wishing they could come back and win it. That will not be forgotten. And think back, although you’re probably too young really, to 1993 and the amazing Toronto Maple Leafs team, which Kirk Muller told me was “a team of destiny that got robbed”- we are still talking 30 years later about game six and the Gretzky call and Kerry Fraser, and what could’ve been. There are some things, involving the passion for the game, that don’t get forgotten. So before you dismiss the Edmonton Oilers as also rans that no one will remember several years from now, get your head out of the Toronto fishbowl and read the room- in this case a nation full of rooms.
    Have a great summer.

  10. I predict that next year’s cup will be won in yet another city where no one cares about hockey. I’m sulking but our high taxes and harsh climate keep a lot of talent at the beach teams

  11. Oilers fans will remember, we will cherish the memory. Can’t count these boys out of any scenario! Proud of my team! Let’s go Oilers!

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