@Red Wings de Détroit

Analyse instantanée – Les Red Wings échangent Walman aux Sharks… Un autre mouvement à venir ?

Steve Dangle récapitule et analyse les deux accords conclus par les Red Wings de Détroit aujourd’hui et partage ses réflexions sur la question de savoir s’il croit ou non qu’il y a quelque chose de plus important en préparation. Pour les demandes de renseignements générales, envoyez un courriel : info@sdpn.ca Contactez https://www.sdpn.ca/sales pour entrer en contact avec notre équipe de vente et discuter de l’opportunité d’intégrer votre marque dans notre contenu !


  1. love all the people who casually forget Steve Yzerman is the same guy who wouldn't blink and basically showed Martin St. Louis the door

  2. Using cap space you created from making a bad trade doesn’t mean you made that bad trade good now. It just means you made a bad trade to open space up. I just don’t understand not getting anything for Walman, let alone paying a second

  3. I find it extremely hard to believe that no one would take Wallman for absolutely nothing…. Why was the 2nd included. Homerun for the Sharks imo.

  4. Either there is another shoe to drop here in the form of a player to be signed to a new deal after July 1st (I don't know who this player is) going back to the Red Wings, there's something about Walman we don't know yet, or Yzerman is no longer a good GM.

  5. As a red wings fan. Genuinely heartbroken. Fan favorite in detroit, responsible on both sides of the ice, and one of the best personalities in the entire league. This move is unjustifiable, even if yzerman brings in a big fish with that cap space, its a terrible move. Justin holl, olli maata, ben chairot all should have been moved WAYYYYY before jake walman did. Mind boggling.

  6. SD nailed it. Stevie is definitely up to something. Wings fans need to sit back and watch him cook. Also there is nothing more important than signing Seider and Raymond and managing the cap. I love Walman but this move can't be judged in the moment… something's up.

  7. Sharks fan here. My thoughts throughout this video.

    Redwings… uh huh… Redwings… weird stats, I agree… more redwings… Sharks?

    "The team they iced last year was a little disrespectful…"

    You're… not wrong.

  8. As a neutral observer, it seems like Detroit wanted too free cap space while.. not getting anything back? Okay… kinda strange…. One of the very rare Good Grier trades, at least he got the team someone

  9. As a Wings fan, this sucks. Did not want to see Walman go, this guy was ready to be here a long time. And we got nothing. And we still have Justin Holl and Andrew Copp.

  10. If it's a cap dump, why him? Secondly, was the 2nd rounder really necessary? Was there really no team who would've taken him for free?

  11. The free particle is Utah. Not all the 'Yotes players may be on board, some may not like Salt Lake City much, and there are plenty of teams hedging bets on that. Not pointing to any situations in particular; it just seems the math all around the league has been funny, as if guided by invisible gravitational forces, and I'm guessing that's one of them. Yzerman tends to get things really right or really wrong when cooking. Either way, he thinks macro.

  12. There’s just no spot for Walman to play next season, too many LD. Detroit basically traded a 2nd + Walman for a 3rd. Expect more moves from Yzerman to dump salaries.

  13. With Steve talking about all the streams his going to be doing especially one afternoon 5pm deadline on free agency, imagine if it peters out to nothing like the mid season trade deadline this season gone

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