@Canadiens de Montréal

Et nous sommes TOUJOURS la dernière équipe canadienne à remporter la coupe.

Et j’espère que le prochain aussi.



  1. AutoModerator

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  2. JPMoney81

    I had this poster in my dorm room in College. I brought it with me from home.

    I always wondered what Odelein was saying or had said to get a couple guys (possibly Desjardins and Carbo?) looking at him like this.

  3. Kicksavebeauty

    Gary Bettman, 71, has been the NHL’s commissioner since Feb. 1, 1993, making him the longest-serving commissioner in any North American pro sports league.

    Canada will rise again. In all fairness the growth of the game in the USA during this time period has been impressive.

  4. okokokoyeahright

    As is the way.

    We will bring it back.

    I need to my personal number 13.

  5. Longshanks123

    We need to bring back the home whites clearly

  6. Content_Ad_8952

    The other thing to remember is that was a very CANADIAN team. The only non-Canadian players were John Leclair and Mathieu Schneider. Every other major player was Canadian

  7. Bill_McCarr

    The Florida Panthers made their NHL debut months after our Habs’ Cup win. And now when the Panthers got their first Cup, it will come full circle and the Habs will take it back this upcoming season.

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