@Bruins de Boston

Les Bruins de Boston sont la nouvelle risée de la LNH

Tim Wirzburger explique qu’après que les Leafs ont exercé leurs démons des séries éliminatoires, les Bruins de Boston sont la nouvelle blague de la LNH. De nouveaux épisodes de Dropping the Gloves avec John Scott sortent tous les lundis, mercredis et vendredis ! Vous pouvez retrouver l’émission sur n’importe quel fournisseur de podcast ! Podcast Apple : https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/dropping-the-gloves/id1419742734 Spotify : https://open.spotify.com/show/5IvEWPquso7wYrC1u0JDdO Podcast Google : https://podcasts.google. com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5zaW1wbGVjYXN0LmNvbS8yYXVlakRDQw==


  1. The leafs will still choke. Still the joke. Its first round. Boston been cup contender for 15 years straight

  2. I think it kinda depends on how far the Panthers go. They are not a weak team at all

  3. People remember the 2019 Lightning because of how they bounced back, the only way Boston can redeem themselves is by going on a back to back cup run and either winning it all or by going to the finals for the next couple years

  4. I don't know, everybody seemed to forget Tampa bay getting beaten by columbus in the first round… By winning a stanley cup a few years later.


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