@Sharks de San José

Requins @ Pingouins 1/2/22 | Faits saillants de la LNH

Faits saillants prolongés des Sharks de San Jose contre les Penguins de Pittsburgh


  1. I understand that you don't want to blow your goalie's confidence, but why was Reimer still in after 4 goals? Should have been pulled after 3 goals in less than 5 minutes. Come on Boogie!

  2. I'm not even mad even tho we lost the sharks did there best to come back good job sharks coming back from 6 to 1 thats crazy to me we scored 4 goals when 3rd period started. gg penguins that was a good game.

  3. San Jose sharks, coming back with goal: We're coming for ya Pittsburgh!:

    Pittsburgh: are you sure about that?

  4. Come on I’m used to the Steelers doing this, hopefully this doesn’t become the norm for the pens

  5. Lol. And everyone blamed Martin Jones last year. There isn't a goalie alive that could be successful with the sharks defense

  6. Now I remember why I don't watch games south . Rubbish commentators. What could have been a great game ruined.

  7. Before the game even started I thought to myself, the Penguins r gonna play real hard n win! I guess I was right…🤣💪

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