@Lightning de Tampa Bay

La plus grande finale de la Coupe LNH depuis des années

Les séries éliminatoires 2023/24 ont été incroyables tout au long et se sont terminées par l’une des plus grandes finales de la Coupe Stanley que nous ayons vues depuis des années. Un immense félicitations aux Panthers de la Floride pour être devenus champions de la Coupe Stanley pour la première fois et quel chemin pour y arriver. Ils ont dû passer par le toujours dangereux Lightning de Tampa Bay, puis les Bruins de Boston tout juste sortis d’une des plus belles saisons régulières de la LNH l’an dernier pour ensuite se retrouver face à la meilleure équipe de la LNH cette saison, les Rangers de New York. Les gardiens qu’ils ont dû affronter seuls sont insensés. Andrei Vasilevskiy, puis Jeremy Swaymen puis Igor Shesterkin. C’est un championnat bien mérité et c’était formidable de voir des gars comme Barkov, Tkachuk, Bobrovsky, Okposo, Ekblad et Paul Maurice enfin remporter une Coupe ! Je tiens également à féliciter les Oilers d’Edmonton et leurs partisans pour cette sacrée saison. Je couvre tout cela et bien plus encore dans la vidéo de hockey de la LNH d’aujourd’hui. Enfin, merci beaucoup à tous pour votre soutien tout au long de la saison. Ça a été génial ! #nhl #nhlplayoffs #hockey #highlights #stanleycup #floridapanthers #edmontonoilers


  1. Canadian tears makes Florida’s win even sweeter. Some of yall are good sports, others are salt filled elitists who can’t stand the thought of a southern states team hoisting the Stanley Cup.

  2. Florida didn't deserve it.
    Down 3-1 they blew the lead and almost loss in 7. A true champion team don't the let their opponent comeback from 3-0 deficit- Edmonton deserve this one, sorry

  3. I hurt thinking what that plane ride must have been like with the Oilers dragging themselves back to Alberta. They fought a valiant battle, but our boys were too much.

  4. It was an insanely close game. Both sides wanted it bad, and Florida came away with the Stanley Cup. Hats off to the Oilers for a great series.

  5. Bobrovsky had another brilliant game. Barky said he was the best player over the years and deserved to get handed the Cup second. So glad Bob got his Cup.

  6. I'm more fuckin' happy for Maurice than anybody else tbh – Dude was always taking shit for being a subpar coach, or washed up, or just never had the right stuff. Well, clearly that shit doesn't matter anymore, he got to hoist the damn cup.

  7. As great as McDavid is, in the end his goalie was Skinner, and the GWG was a bit soft, even though the Oilers got more out of him than they ever could have expected.

  8. As a sabres fan, I was never a big fan of the panthers, but after realizing so many former players from the sabres are on the panthers, I had to root for them. Reinhart and Okposo especially were some of my favorite players from the sabres, and it feels so good to see them win a cup.

  9. По сути кубок прежде всего заслуга Морриса, у него в команде только 1 суперталант и это его кипер а все остальные крепкие выше среднего игроки и сколотил такую крепкую команду, финал был с Рейнжерами и тут они спокойно могли в 4-0 обыграт команду МакДэвида, просто дана команда нетрогать его и он потпщил свою команду вперед, ну а в 7 матче ребята включилис и нет его на площадке, по сути они сорвали проект супер великого хоккеиста, царь то оказался липовый, а Пантеры настоящая сплоченная команда, а Макбургеру второго финала не видат до заката карьеры, подыщите другого кто бы мог затмит Овечкина, Мэтьюс нет непотянет, Бедард да он цыпленок который настоящего мужского хоккея даже не нюхал.

  10. As an oilers fan, this game was brutal, but as annoying as it is, the panthers were such a good team and played so well. So good job to them, they deserved it even if it pains me to say it.

  11. Oh my God last night was special. CUP CHAMPIONS!!!! They EARNED this win. So many deserving players. Chucky jumping up and down, holy crap I love that guy.

  12. As a oilers fan I cried myself to sleep and is still very sad 😢 and we should have won the cup the first goal was very unnecessary. And I don’t like Florida anymore 😡😡😡😡😡

  13. 2:54 oh wow I thought the defense made this save but it went past him and the goalie actually got his glove on it, otherwise that was in!!

  14. Great final, gotta hand it to Edmonton they damn near pulled off a miracle and Micdavid nearly did it himself. One of the best SCF finals I've seen in years.

  15. thank you for your videos during the season. enjoy your summer as i will do also. greetings from germany (yes, i cheered for the oilers because of draisaitl)

  16. It’s so sad how the Stanley cup is not the prize anymore and winning the cup has been reduced to bragging rights and conversation.

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