@Panthers de la Floride

Qu’en pensez-vous ? Il démissionne ou il dit au revoir ?

Qu’en pensez-vous ? Il démissionne ou il dit au revoir ?



  1. BlueShire_Ace

    Dudes gonna ask for what ever he wants and we’re gonna pay. That game winner goal essentially sealed that.

  2. passaty2k

    Re-signs… resign is to quit.

    He should be back.

  3. FreeMindOpenSpirit

    Reino is staying 100%, and we’re repeating again next year!

  4. BayAreaKrakHead

    We will be back, he’s a perfect fit on the team.

  5. SirFunktastic

    Give him what he wants, you keep this core intact as much as possible over the next few years. This is the one South Florida team I want to see run it back for as long as they can.

  6. Seaborn4Congress

    Reino just finished building a monster house by the practice facility id be very surprised if he leaves.

  7. AnxiousYam9909

    I think he stays, wouldn’t be surprised if we lose montour though

  8. MilesDavis_Stan

    He’s staying. He’s gonna take a team-friendly (but long-term) deal like Forsling. Probably a bit under Tkachuk’s $.

    The hockey world will lose their minds and complain about how unfair it is bc we don’t have state income tax.

    Winning culture. Guys want to be here. We are blessed.

  9. brewre_26

    I’m sure he wants to stay. Probably the main FA we end up keeping. The thing is he will probably be less willing to take a discount since he scored that goal. Idk I just hope whatever contract they give him doesn’t screw the team. He had a good year but you never know if it’s just a flash in the pan.

  10. gay4molemannn

    He’s staying but Montour is gonna take a payday somewhere else

  11. The_Comic_Collector

    Resigns, there’s been zero chatter about him,yes I know it’s 2 days into his off season but if there was a chance he was walking there would be chatter

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