@Blackhawks de Chicago

Réflexions sur la question de savoir si nous ramenons Teravainen à Chicago ?

Réflexions sur la question de savoir si nous ramenons Teravainen à Chicago ?



  1. czar_kazem

    He’s a good player who will help the team, I’m in.


    I wish we never got rid of him. One of my favorites absolutely nutty card in the older NHLs from the Halloween event.

  3. inactiveaccounttoo

    I don’t think one former player has materialized on his return to the organization

  4. Steviebhawk

    Well everytime I bring up someone 28+ I get too old. So I guess he’s too old. Brought Leon D up today and was told that. Cmon now!

  5. SecondCityHawk

    I just won the Stanley Cup with him in my Be A Pro so let’s bring him in.

  6. TheSchwartzHawkey

    Eh. I remember how big a deal we tried to make of him, all the “It’s Teuvo Time!!” crap, and he didn’t really do much for us. I think he’s definitely developed since leaving but I just don’t want to get disappointed by him yet again. If we bring him in it has to be because we actually are contending and I don’t want to hear any more shit about being in a rebuild and being asked to forgive another shit year. (And if we’re below .400 on wins by the All Star break, Luke needs to go.)

  7. 17835000284

    If we’re brining top wingers/forwards in for Bedard, which we absolutely should do this offseason, I’d prefer guys who are more defensively sound. Can’t have another year of our top guys having the worst +/- in the league.

  8. EddyTheDesigner

    I love Teuvo. Would love to see him back


    I hope he does, the only jersey I have that isn’t Toews or Kane is Teravainen. I was silly to believe the Hawks would hold onto him and develop him properly.

  10. radiotsar

    There are other former Hawks players I’d much rather have.

  11. Stan Bowman would be all over this, and for that reason it’s a stupid idea

  12. StraightCashHomey13

    Would absolutely love to sign Teravinen and Reinhart. Then whoever we draft at 2 is in a great spot to flourish

  13. AARM2000

    He would certainly help the team and *potentially* be a good fit with Bedard.

  14. SpraykwoN


    Not worth what he would be asking for

  15. Material-Race-5107

    Source is… some dude on reddit?

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