@Red Wings de Détroit

[Sean Shapiro] Ce que j’ai appris, le cas échéant, sur le commerce de Jake Walman

[Sean Shapiro] Ce que j’ai appris, le cas échéant, sur le commerce de Jake Walman



  1. Halostar

    >The other puzzling thing is that Yzerman apparently didn’t shop Walman around a ton. Based off some of my conversations and reading reports from others, there were multiple teams that would have been interested in actually trading something for Walman.
    >And if the Red Wings were truly desperate to be clear of Walman, they could have kept the second-round pick and simply waived him. The San Jose Sharks, I know for a fact, would have claimed him on waivers since they are first in the waiver order, like they did with Barclay Goodrow. In fact, I’ve heard San Jose was happily stunned when Yzerman simply didn’t ask for a return and offered a second-round pick sweetener.
    >Whether Walman was part of the plan or not, this was pretty horrific asset management by Yzerman.

    Man, if another shoe doesn’t drop here and the reported speculation from San Jose is incomplete… wtf SY

  2. I’m just waiting for the shoe to drop… Please drop the shoe Steve, please.

  3. Wings2493

    The only thing that makes sense is somebody gets bought out or sent to waivers and SJ agreed to the claim for cap relief or something

  4. Not the cap dump we expected, as an isolated incident it’s not the best look

    But we have to see the totality of moves, clearly this was a piece in the offseason puzzle and once the roster is complete we can fully judge the move (probably still won’t like it barring a big name coming in)

  5. Detonation

    I’m tired of people saying they should have traded Holl like anyone would want to take him, even an awful team like the Sharks who need to fill cap space.

    Guy also used puzzling in four straight sentences. The actual puzzling thing with this trade is everyone shitting on it before even seeing the purpose behind it. How about wait and see before blasting non-stop hyperbole? If it ends up being an awful decision, so be it, but as of right now we have no idea how things will turn out. Literal waste of time.

  6. LGRW_Sparty88

    I just wonder if he offered Walman and a 7th first, or even Walman and a 3rd, or did we just start out that high.

  7. Slewislewis729

    I’m all for waiting to see what happens, but if this was just a simple cap dump which is increasingly likely as the days go by, then this is obviously the worst trade I’ve ever seen. Even if we are trying to sign someone come free agency, I don’t understand the logic of trading away a pick with Walman to dump him. Even just a quick few phone calls would be enough to see the trade could have been just sending Walman alone for nothing, or even get something for him.

    It would make more sense if any of the following are true (total speculation):

    1. Walman’s injury issues are worse than we know.

    2. There is something else the sharks will do later (or by extension the rangers due to the Goodrow claim).

    3. Locker room issues with Walman and teammates/coaches/etc – I do find it somewhat weird that I haven’t seen any wings players mentioning anything about Walman leaving. That said, everyone is off on their own things and not available to media, just social media so maybe that’s not their thing.

    4. Walman actually wanted out and Yzerman sent him quickly without issue. He did have a M-NTC so I imagine the sharks were okay to him. Just wish we knew who all was on that list. Walman could have easily said he didn’t want to go to the sharks since he should know they had the cap space. Clearly that wasn’t the case.

  8. Did he let Walman choose his own team with an upcoming draft deal?

  9. commando_rambo

    How do you not just waive the guy? MAYBE Yzerman was doing the classy thing and sending Walman somewhere that he wanted to go and did whatever he had to accommodate (I.e include the 2nd).

  10. stockbeast08

    Steve isn’t an idiot, and realistically I doubt few GMs are. Whatever value he’s giving up in this trade, he already knows what value he’s getting in return. It may not be equal, but it may be what we need given our talent pool.

  11. BLaRowe10

    Horrible move by SY and people need to stop trying to rationalize this. He’s shown he’s not infallible and this is just another example, this one definitely being the most egregious.

    With this trade and his shitty FA signings, my optimism that he can lead the Wings back is diminishing by the day.

  12. Adrien_Jabroni

    He’s going to gritty us next year isn’t he?

  13. CopStopyingMe

    The longer things go on with no other moves the more I think it was a desperation cap dump. I wonder if there’s something truly awful about Walman that Yzerman wanted to have somebody jump for him before word could get out. I’m out of ideas of why this happened.

  14. SomewhereHiking

    Maybe we can finally be critical of the Yzerplan without getting immediately downvoted lol

  15. ChucklesLeClown

    Copp or Holl are gonna get put on waivers and SJ is gonna claim one of them. Calling it now.

  16. qcpuckhead

    I was just coming on to see if this link had been posted. I don’t know how well connected Shapiro is, but these two paragraphs right here sure don’t make me feel any better about the deal. At the very least it sounds like he talked to someone in or near the Sharks organization, and the fact that they were « happily stunned » at the sweetener makes it sound like there is *not* another significant piece to the move coming with « future considerations. »

    >The other puzzling thing is that Yzerman apparently didn’t shop Walman around a ton. Based off some of my conversations and reading reports from others, there were multiple teams that would have been interested in actually trading something for Walman.

    >And if the Red Wings were truly desperate to be clear of Walman, they could have kept the second-round pick and simply waived him. The San Jose Sharks, I know for a fact, would have claimed him on waivers since they are first in the waiver order, like they did with Barclay Goodrow. In fact, I’ve heard San Jose was happily stunned when Yzerman simply didn’t ask for a return and offered a second-round pick sweetener.

    Overall I still think Yzerman is navigating a very difficult rebuild well, but this sure looks like he shot himself in the foot for no apparent reason.

  17. Isphet71

    there’s some weird shit going down with walman behind the scenes that we will probably never be told about.

  18. Pale-Option-2727

    It’s gotta be for something. A run at Stamkos or less likley Draisaitl. But I gotta believe this trade has « some » purpose other than moving a solid 28 year old defensman for nothing and wasting a 2nd round pick. The value here has to mean theirs someone coming. We have quite a bit of cap space eveb after resigning Seider & Raymond. Enough to make a play for a superstar.

  19. UnpardonableGray

    Ok here’s the only explanation that makes sense.

    Steve has made a habit of fleecing other GMs in recent years. It’s gotten to the point where they probably won’t make a trade with him because they’re thinking “I’m probably about to get embarrassed in this trade”.

    So Steve makes this move that’s completely ridiculous to lull them back into a false sense of security. So that he can go back to fleecing them in the future.

    That’s all I got.

  20. kermitthefrog57

    SY makes a trade this terrible and there are STILL people defending it. Pretty crazy

  21. LGRW97980208

    Wallman is so overrated bring on Edvinsson

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