@Sabres de Buffalo

[Jason Moser] Re: Le rapport Sabres/Necas de Pierre LeBrun Ce serait demander beaucoup que d’échanger pour Necas puis de se retourner et de lui donner 8×8. Un 1er et des futures pour quelqu’un qui a été dépassé par Jack Quinn.

[Jason Moser] Re: Le rapport Sabres/Necas de Pierre LeBrun Ce serait BEAUCOUP demander d’échanger contre Necas puis de se retourner et de lui donner 8×8. Un premier et un futur pour quelqu’un qui a été devancé par Jack Quinn.



  1. Accurate_Fee710

    I do not want Necas, I’d want Jarvis.

  2. veed_vacker

    sabres have a stacked prospect system, and need to make the playoffs, every team is going to try and trade the players they don’t want to them.

  3. I_lurk_at_wurk

    I’d rather miss the playoffs next year and continue to allow the talent to develop together than sell valuable pieces for veterans just to make it look like they’re trying.

  4. idislikehate

    I have high hopes for Quinn if he can ever stay healthy and am very hesitant about the Necas rumors, but I’m honestly exhausted of the Jack Quinn talk. He’s talked about like an elite-level prospect who has been tearing up the NHL. He has had two major injuries in the last 12 months.

    The only way he « outpaced » Martin Necas was by 0.015 points per game this season, but Quinn played barely over a third of the games. The sample size on Quinn is too small to draw any conclusions. He also has never had a season remotely like what Necas did last year at 28-43-71 in 82 games.

  5. CaresAboutYou

    if the primary metric by which we assess whether someone is worth a roster spot or not is goals, there’s rumors that a high-end scoring winger who has scored MORE goals then necas over the last two years but is a little older might get his contract bought out by his current team soon, maybe we could look into that

  6. SayNoToAids

    There you go. It’s not even worth trading a 2nd or a 3rd or nothing for Necas because you have to give him an 8×8 and then be saddled with that awful contract while he destroys your team defensively each and every night.

  7. It’s the skinner situation all over then…

  8. distancetomars

    Please no, Necas is not worth the assets, especially since we just bought out a better goal scorer with a shorter contract

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