@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Il y a 10 ans aujourd’hui, les Maple Leafs de Toronto sélectionnaient William Nylander au 8e rang du classement général.

Il y a 10 ans aujourd’hui, les Maple Leafs de Toronto sélectionnaient William Nylander au 8e rang du classement général.



  1. Sacred_soul

    Great player probably going to get the A next year

  2. Burnoneforbothofus

    He’s been an absolute stud for us and his game is getting better every season. He loves being a Maple Leaf and I hope he retires one.

  3. DevOpsMakesMeDrink

    Too bad we didn’t take the good old Canadian Ritchie smh

  4. GracefulShutdown

    At this point, Nylander might arguably the best non-1OVA Leafs draft pick of all time. It’s certainly in the Top 5.

  5. MasPisco

    Never forget Don Cherry shitting his pants because we didn’t take Nick Ritchie. Instead we took the « small » Swede

  6. Gen_Sherman_Hemsley

    I dunno guys. I feel like we really missed out on Nick Ritchie

  7. KingdokCAN

    Ten years?! I feel old as fuck right now

  8. shored_ruins

    Absolute stud. Can get caught coasting in bad situations, but he shows up big where it counts.

  9. Rifleman

    All I can hear from this pic is nice one, Randy

  10. 1UP4UScoobydoo


  11. The-Only-Razor

    Seeing Nylander in that jersey beside Carlyle is such a eras colliding moment.

  12. cantyouseeimblind

    Great pick. I imagine he would go top 3 in a redraft.

  13. daxtaslapp

    The guy that always shows up in the playoffs

  14. ImpressiveCan14

    Is that leafs legend Randy Carlyle beside him

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