@Ligue nationale de hockey

COMMUNIQUÉ : Les Oilers publient une déclaration concernant Ken Holland | Oilers d’Edmonton

TLDR : les pétroliers ont besoin d’un nouveau directeur général



  1. eddiewachowski

    My favourite contribution was the Ekholm trade for two reasons:

    Ekholm is exactly the kind of beast that we needed.

    4% of his salary was retained (weird number) but then it was immediately used to sign Bjugstad who make a noticable addition to last year’s playoff run.

  2. SaltLakeSoakers

    Well there you go. At least he got the Oil to the finals which I see as a (metaphorical) win

  3. DirtPuzzleheaded8831

    Oilers: « Alright gtfo, next! »

  4. Smart. Done all he can. Got the Oilers further along than anyone. Knows that core will never win a cup. Wonder which team he’ll go onto next?

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