@Red Wings de Détroit

Je viens de les sortir du même paquet. Je choisis d’y penser comme un signe des choses à venir

Je viens de les sortir du même paquet. Je choisis de penser à cela comme un signe de ce qui va arriver



  1. SeiderFiveThree

    We had the “Euro-Twins,” can these guys be the Ameri-Twins or something?

  2. achyjoints

    My Authenticator just now was 88 so it’s definitely a sign he’s re-signing by the 4th of July.

    Edit: Showtimes coming back. 5.25×3 😎

  3. WingedWheelNation

    If the Rangers are in on him, that makes me less sure about it. He’s got a few more years in him, why not win another Cup.

  4. NewsGirl86

    Dang, I need these! Great pull! My only Kane card is from the Hawks.

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