@Ligue nationale de hockey

Les Canucks signent Joshua pour 4×3.25 !

Quelle signature de star de la part de la direction des Canucks. Bien en dessous de la valeur marchande.



  1. Abnatural

    SMRT moves by Alvin!! Loved that 3rd line together of Joshua-Blueger-Garland. Keep cooking!

  2. GoldMonk44

    Great signing. Canucks fans should rejoice at having such a competent / aggressive front office 👏🏻

  3. We used to have the Blues farm team, and I was fortunate enough to see him play and meet him several times at season ticket holder events. The man is respectful and he plays hard every shift. He would recognize me and my daughter during warmups wave hi and if he could throw a puck over the glass to her. IMO the Blues shouldn’t have let him go. Congrats to Canucks fan, and congrats to Dakota Joshua on this contract!

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