@Canucks de Vancouver

Frank Corrado sur les objectifs des #Canucks en agence libre, en créant le modèle gagnant de la #StanleyCup, Luongo

L’ancien Canuck Frankie Corrado en visite, fraîchement sorti des célébrations dans le sud de la Floride et de la finale de la Coupe Stanley. Il nous donne les leçons apprises lors des séries éliminatoires et de la finale, et les domaines dans lesquels les Canucks peuvent s’améliorer dans des domaines clés pour passer à l’étape suivante, ainsi que d’autres UFA potentielles qui pourraient intéresser les Canucks. Présenté par GRETA BAR Vancouver (http: //lnk.to/GRETAYVR) https://twitter.com/sekeresandprice https://www.facebook.com/SekeresandPrice https://www.tiktok.com/@sekeresandprice https://www.youtube.com/ sekeresprice https://www.instagram.com/sekeresandprice 📧 live@sekeresandprice.com 📲 778-402-9680 https://www.sekeresandprice.com/ https://www.rinkwidevancouver.com #Canucks #VancouverCanucks #NHL # Le hockey


  1. Sit back and rejoice Canucks fans, this is what competent management looks like and it' been a long time since this franchise has had it.

  2. I hope you had hole in one insurance. Those rounds at the clubhouse can get pretty expensive. The media are a bit intrusive when the Cup is awarded, especially when there's a power cord out to the centre of the ice for Barkov to nearly trip over while carrying the Cup. I miss the days when celebrating teams would skate laps around the rink, handing off the trophy, where more of the fans could see it up close and it was more of a spectacle. With all the rats out on the ice they would have had more work to keep players from getting injured, but it would have been cool.

  3. Such a dumb comment about nhl being boring if the Bergeron mold becomes a new norm. Thats simply an evolution that is gonna happen regardless of how we feel. It’s about time players become more astute and responsible defensively whilst showcasing abundant offensive talent. It will make for more high octane showcases and it will force offensive players to be even more creative

  4. Barkov has some of the best hands in the entire league, WTF is going through Matt’s mind here? 😂

  5. Zadorov is much more than what Frank thinks. The Big Z is one of the best open ice hitters.. Carry the puck, pass shhoot, hit like a Mack truck. And can scrap with the biggest baddest players in the league.. He is a true deterrant not unlike Chara. But as a fan it would be nice if his contract was doable. If we sign him and he gets about the same points as Hronek we should all be laughing, even 10 points less.. Sure he is getting up there but has shown no drop off.

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