@Panthers de la Floride

Les Panthers remportent le septième match et remportent leur première coupe Stanley | Chute de micro de la LNH

Écoutez Zach Hyman des Oilers d’Edmonton, Darnell Nurse et l’entraîneur-chef Kris Knoblauch, Sam Reinhart des Panthers de la Floride, Matthew Tkachuk, l’entraîneur-chef Paul Maurice et l’arbitre Dan O’Rourke, tous au micro du match 7 de la finale de la Coupe Stanley. Revivez une finale de Coupe palpitante qui a vu les Panthers de la Floride vaincre les Oilers d’Edmonton pour remporter leur première Coupe Stanley de l’histoire de la franchise ! Abonnez-vous à notre chaîne pour les dernières actions de hockey en cliquant sur le gros bouton rouge brillant ABONNEZ-VOUS. Dernières nouvelles, scores, statistiques, analyses et faits saillants en temps réel : https://www.nhl.com Vous vous sentez social ? Twitter : http://twitter.com/nhl Facebook : http://facebook.com/nhl Instagram : http://instagram.com/nhl


  1. To finally have the Stanley Cup home in South Florida makes me very happy. I’m extremely proud of this team. LETS GO PANTHERS!!!!!

  2. I’m Canadian so I wanted Edmonton to win but I’m also from Winnipeg and I’m glad coach Paul Maurice finally got his name engraved on greatness

  3. Incredible finals, incredible playoffs. We've been so privileged to have 2+ months of great hockey this late into the year! What do I do now though, lol. I swear I'm just looking up old highlights and listen to offseason chatter but it just aint the same. I miss hockey!

  4. As a Blues fan I'm so happy for Panthers on their first Stanley Cup championship and especially for Vladdy on his second.

  5. I'm so happy for Panthers on winning their first Stanley Cup.🏆

    I hope next season if not Penguins on finals I'm cheering for a team that has no Stanley Cup yet.

  6. Enough of the Final…Panthers won a Cup. Many teams have. Few teams have repeated a Cup Win. Known as back to back. Defend the Cup Panthers and you’ll be recognized. The 2024 Cup was a glorified Honeymoon!

  7. "Hey it doesn't define you, but it adds to your legacy." damn, that's on hell of a quote from Kyle Okposso to Paul Maurice

  8. Enjoy panthers fans from a Pens fan nothing like it honestly I have the honor of seeing my team win back to back 🏆🏆

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