@Blues de Saint-Louis

Les Bleus ont clairement indiqué qu’ils voulaient que Pavel Buchnevich fasse partie de leur avenir… on s’attendrait à ce que les négociations de prolongation de contrat reprennent à mesure que nous nous rapprochons du repêchage et du 1er juillet.

Les Blues ont clairement indiqué qu’ils souhaitaient que Pavel Buchnevich fasse partie de leur avenir… et s’attendent à ce que les discussions sur une prolongation de contrat s’accélèrent à mesure que nous nous rapprochons de la draft et du 1er juillet.



  1. STLBooze3

    Depending on the term and aav I kinda would be against this. He’s our only asset we could get younger core players for vs signing an older player till he’s 38 or so.

  2. Wm_TheConqueror

    Was kind of hoping we’d trade him at the draft for assets. I feel like we’re not in a position to compete and he’s going to turn 30 next season already.

  3. AdministrativeBar283

    I understand where people are coming from, but on the other hand, we might be closer to competing than getting a #1 pick or tanking. We are one of the best teams against top 5 teams. A few losses to bad teams took us out of the playoffs. To me its a team who needs to work on finding a consistent game, and is in the process of having younger guys take that next step to lead a competitive consistent team. Im on the side of getting into playoffs for the experience of it makes us better. To me Thomas Kyrou Neighbours need to see playoffs to keep improving. Playing in meaningful games is so important to not only a player’s development but a teams cultural development. I also have the privilege to think this way about the Blues because we are proven to be a great team at drafting in the 16-30 area.

    A guy like pavel buchnevic makes players around him better. Makes younger players better. A culture player. In the locker room and on the ice. His passing, his defensive awareness, his ability to control a penalty kill, and his willingness to win battles is so contagious, especially for a guy that skilled, thaat unselfish. Also his personality is contagious. Does Thomas get to 86 pts if he isnt playing with pavel most of year? Does he breakout and do the blues have that great of a offensive season in 2021 without pavel? Does neighbours get nearly 30 goals without that long stretch of him playing with thomas and buch? Replace buch with saad all season(who i love and had a great szn scoring wise) do those same things happen with some of these younger guys? Its a question i ask myself because i look at it like you do, we need young assets. But to what extent.

    Id rather have bolduc and neighbours work to get better playing with a guy like buch rather than playin in his spot. Its just my opinion, but i think he is a player who is so important for the development of the team to get to that next step, which is a competitive level. We arent as far off as we may think. Not to a championship obviously, but just to taking that next step to be a consistent competitive team, and losing buch to me takes us from 94 pts to maybe 80 pts. Id rather have my young guys play in meaningful games with players at the levels they are trying to reach. Especially players who define a culture like Pavel does. Im also thinking with pride, a love for the culture of the blues and where i personally think we land around the league, but if we did trade him for assets i would completely understand and would hope to be proven wrong.

  4. Few-Insurance-6653

    Wasn’t it Strickland who said we’d be trading for Matthew Tkachuk?

  5. bleedblue89

    I’m good with this. If you believe you can somehow fix depth scoring/defense, then it makes sense. I think this year we probably make a wild card spot and anything is possible then.

  6. Blues0038

    I like him when he was a Ranger and was happy he became a blue. He is 29 years old and the next contract will most likely be 6 to 8 million for 5 to 7 years. Making. Its going to take the 3 to 5 years to be able to compete for the cup. And when really ned him he will on the down side his career. Getting a younger player to me would make more science. wish him the best in getting a cup!

  7. mshamole

    Bottom line is the Blues need to sign talented players that are willing to play here. Sadly most free agents do not even consider St. Louis unless it’s an overpay (see krug / faulk). I think fans are skeptical of buch being lumped into the same category, but he’s a very important piece for the locker room culture. I hope a deal gets done.

  8. I guess that’s cool? He’s a good enough player but the team needs 3 top 4 defensemen and he’d be a good asset to use either directly for a pick or as part of a package.

  9. HumanBeing_13

    Take that, all of you fair-weathers who were trying your damndest to get Buch traded. Like Perron before him, he’s a glue guy and impact player. And let’s face it: we’re not bad enough to tank and get a #1 pick next season.

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